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Bestowed – Food Box Subscription Haul

I’ve been branching out into the world and testing a few of these food boxes. For this review instead of taking a million photos of each and every item hoping they will turn out, I thought I would make a little unboxing video instead. That way you can get my initial reaction to moment it comes out of the box! 

What drew me to the Bestowed box was that the creator, Heather Bauer, is a registered dietitian. My hope was the box would arrive, it would be amazing, and I would feel good knowing I was eating and drinking things that were picked in my best interest.

Bestowed - Food Box Subscription Haul

My box contained:

$40 HelloFresh Gift Card – I still have this card (I received my box in March, yeah, I am a little behind.) I really want to check out HelloFresh which is a food box similar to Blue Apron which sends you recipes and all of the ingredients to make them.

March Bestowed Box | YUM eating

Hooray Puree Spinach – This stuff was actually pretty good. The box came with two packets. The first one I used on top of a vegetarian burger. Then I topped that with an egg. It was so amazing. The second pack I used blended up in a chocolate greenie smoothie.

March Bestowed Box Review  | YUM eating

Jolly Oak Granola – This granola was baked with extra virgin olive oil and contained flaxseed. It had a great flavor and I was surprised it had fewer calories, fat, carbs/sugars and sodium compared to other granola’s on the market. This was S’mores flavor. Which, I did not like. I enjoyed the chocolate but I did not enjoy the dried out marshmallows.

NoGii High Protein Bar – I actually enjoyed this. I have no need to eat a gluten-free diet, and find that sometimes some of the GF foods have  weird taste and consistency to them. Elisabeth Hasselbeck is the creator behind this line of high protein bars. It didn’t have a lot of junk in it and actually had a nice clean taste.

Nutiva O’Coconut Treats – I wish I would have taken a photo of this before I ate it. OMGosh I can’t even begin to tell you how wonderful these are. If you are a fan of coconut macaroon cookies then you will like this. I have actually gone to the website a few times to order these and they have always been sold out!

Ocean’s Halo Seaweed Chips – I have no words for this. I wanted to like them. I like seaweed with my sushi. But this? No. I didn’t even finish the bag.

Stash Tea Organic Gold Cup  Chai – We all know I am a tea lover. I don’t even try to hide it.  I enjoy Stash Tea quite a bit. This was the first time I have had their Gold Cup Chai and I was quite pleased with it. It is one flavor I would buy again for sure. I find often that with most Chai teas they add more spice than they should and it takes away from the creamy taste. Or, they add more cinnamon which makes it bitter. You want the turmeric, not overloaded cinnamon.

tera’s Organic Protein Blend – I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOve this stuff. You all know how much I love my smoothies. This protein blend made me all sorts of happy. First, the whey comes from ethically treated cows from a Wisconsin family farm. Second, it tastes good all on its own. For me, that is rare. I mixed it with some unsweetened almond milk so I could get a good feeling of how this product actually tasted instead of masking it with fruits and other goodies. This stuff was nice and creamy. I could drink it daily. It is also nice and thick, which I really like.

So there you have it. Bestowed was a fun little box. I would say it was a hit for me since there was only one thing I really didn’t like.

Now, I have a treat for you. Bestowed is offering YUM readers 10% off their first box by using code: LOVEHEALTHY


[su_button url=”http://www.shareasale.com/u.cfm?d=222165&m=43962&u=465182″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#d1f0f3″ color=”#0f0e0e” size=”12″ center=”yes” radius=”20″ rel=”nofollow”]Get 10% Off Bestowed [/su_button]


Disclosure: I received a discount on the Bestowed box as part of their affiliate program. I paid for the rest out of my own pocket. All opinions are 100% my own and were not a requirement. I am not being compensated for this post. The Bestowed link is an affiliate link. If you decide to take advantage of the 10% off and try out your first box following my link, I’ll make a few cents which helps to cover the cost of maintaining a food blog. Thank you! I hope you like your box.


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  1. I should try some of the food subscription boxes. I do graze which I love. That coconut treat sounds right up my alley! Thanks for sharing this box!

  2. I love to eat, so I have no idea why I am not subscribing to any monthly boxes. I need to fix that.

  3. I’ve never done a subscription box before, but this sounds like something I’d love. I would definitely do a food one, and from a dietician it would make me trust it more! I think they’re a great way to try something you normally wouldn’t.

  4. Wow this sounds like a fabulous box! I love trying new boxes with new food! I would love to try this one. Seems like more I would like than others!

  5. It sounds like overall you got a great haul. I haven’t tried a food box subscription, but I know I would love it. It’s so great being able to try out new stuff!

  6. I’d like to try that box too. I like trying new things and this one seems considerate about adding things that aren’t super overly common.

  7. I haven’t heard of the Bestowed Box! I would love to try it out though. The items you got are all things I would enjoy.

  8. What a lot of fun “virtually” looking over your shoulder as you opened the box and pulled out the goodies. The fun part of getting a box is that there is nearly always something for everyone. The Chai tea sounds tasty!

  9. I reviewed Bestowed once. They have quite a few goodies in the box. Healthy goodies that I hadn’t heard of. It is a great way to get introduced to some new healthy flavors. Thank you for sharing with us.

  10. I love the subscription box trend! I will have to check this one out. Oh and I am so with you on the seaweed chips, yuck LOL

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