So Funny Looking Back At Old Posts

I’m doing the deed of going back through 300 plus old posts and putting the food related reviews and recipes here on YUM eating. Basically phasing out More to Life than Chocolate. As I look back at some of my photos I can already see that even with the point-and-shoot camera I needed a lot of practice. Once I got my iPhone I started to put a little effort into using a lot of fun photo apps and I even signed up for quite a few Flickr iPhone Photography groups. Even funnier still, I never really thought about placement or how it would appeal to people long term.
Folks, a lot of those photos are just plain terrible.
It’s ok. I have accepted it.
I now admit it.
I have a better camera now and I am learning how to shoot food.
Things will get better around here, I promise.
It is getting better every time that I read it! I always love your pictures and how you bring food to life just by the photos.
I have a lot to learn. I am bringing old posts over from my other website ‘More to Life than Chocolate’ and then phasing it out. A lot of my photos are with an iPhone. I really love iPhone photography. I purchased a DSLR camera for myself as a graduation present from grad school and now I am learning how to use it for better quality photos. Those will work better in the recipe books.