
{Don’t Worry, Be Happy} Instant Happy Journal



Wow. So much going on in my life these days.

I am really trying to take time to focus on myself right now. Get my mind cleared and focused on the road ahead.

One of the things I have been doing is an art journal. I used to be addicted to art; so much so that by the time I was a senior in high school I was Art Club President. But, later in life I let others keep me from doing the things I love. While it is fine to do things for others and put them first from time-to-time, one must practice self-care and ‘me’ time or face consequences. I was too busy caring for others that I forgot to care for myself. I lost me. My health suffered. And now, I am picking up pieces.





I’ve always been a journaler. I have journals dating back to age 7. I find a lot of fun in going back through my words and remembering the good times. I find myself doing that a lot these last few weeks after the loss of my long-time friend.




When I saw the Instant Happy Journal with its bright and vibrant color, I wondered just what I was getting myself in to with another journal. I already have my regular writing journal where I write my day-to-day life stuff, I have the weekly art journal, and I have a Questions and Answers 5 year journal. But, the Instant Happy Journal is not dated. So, you can start, stop, skip around or do whatever you want with it.

When I flipped through the Instant Happy Journal pages I was pleasantly surprised at just how rich and vibrant it was. Full of color and happy writing prompts.


My only complaint is that I wish this book was spiral bound. I have a feeling once I really get going and the book lies flat when writing or coloring, eventually the spine is going to give out. Plus, it would be easier to have just one page to deal with instead of having to leave it open with two pages.

I know I am walking a new path in life and I am excited to see where I am going. It will be interesting to do these journal pages through my journey and have something beautiful to look back on.

Are you a creative soul? Tell me about it.


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  1. I think this is a great idea. I have never thought to do something like this, but I want to get one 🙂

  2. Journals like this are SO therapeutic! I remember going through a broken engagement and my best friend went to the bookstore and came back with all sorts of books for me to get through it – and she read them all and only highlighted the parts I needed to read. Within that stack was a journal similar to this – it was like counseling, it helped me work through my feelings step by step! Stick with it! I’m so HAPPY for you!

  3. This is a great journal to have, I think with blogging I forgot how much fun and how much I can release when journaling! I love this one, will have to get one like it!

  4. That’s so cute! I would love to pick one up for myself. I’m so grateful for the wonderful blessings I have in my life, and it’d be nice to go back through them when I’m forgetting how great my life is.

  5. I need to have this! I am a art girl too and I have journaled all my life. I love the interactive journals like these so it gives you even more creative expression. You just inspired me as I do want to go back to my more artistic roots…definitely need to do more painting. I hope you are getting into Adult Coloring Books I love them!

    1. I have a giant pile of coloring books. Some are really old as I have had them for quite some time. I have a few adult coloring books. A friend sent me an awesome fairy one for Christmas. I just love it. I need to invest in some good pencils. The ones I have I had in high school and they could stand to be replaced but I really enjoy using them.

    1. I have so many boxes of journals. I would be so heartbroken if I lost any of them. I have been looking to digitize them.

    1. I am going through a lot of life changes and I have a lot on the road ahead. I am trying to stay much more positive by seeking something good in each day.

  6. It appears this journal is helping you move forward. It’s never easy to lose someone you care about and have known forever. My mom kept an art journal and frequently added a wise and/or inspirational saying to her sketches and paintings.

    1. I have been trying to do quotes and things and turn them in to art. I keep some of these in my regular journal and some are within my art journal. I have a friend doing a bible art journal and she has sent me some great ideas. I dont have a bible journal, but I do have bible that I dont use which would make a great space for me to turn those verses into great works of art using colored pencils.

  7. Oh, wow! I found it! This IS the blog where I discovered this! Well, I just gotta say I’ve order it (along with the, yes, new MONKEES album, believe it or not) and am hoping to obtain its glory within the coming week. We’ll see if I manage to get to it like all my other various diaries I’ve tended to neglect over the years.

    I don’t take to purchases via blog posts too often, I must admit. 😉

    1. I love this little journal! I dont spend near enough time using it though. Thank you so much for going through my link! Oh, and I LOVE the Monkees! Your letter arrived yesterday!

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