
3 Seeds You Should Be Eating

3 seeds

Searching for some healthy ways to get better nutrition into your diet, try some of these super seeds.  They can be easily integrated into your eating plans or diet with out too much fuss.

Organic White Chia Seeds

Called a superfood by some, Chia sees contain high levels of omega 3 fatty acids as well as high levels of fiber and minerals such iron, calcium, magnesium etc.

Enjoy them on your oatmeal or cereal, stir it into your veggie shakes or add to yogurt for a nutritious boost.  You can also try adding to baking goods.

Organic White Chia Seeds — 12 oz – $9.33 (55% off), Free shipping – Available at PureFormulas

(8 reviews)


Eden Foods Dry Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Popular and known as Pepita in Mexico, they are rich protein, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium and some fatty acids.  They also contain L-tryptophan can also help with anxiety attacks, depression and mood disorders.

Enjoy them toasted by the handful or add them to your salads

Eden Foods Dry Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, Original, 4 oz – $3.25, See Site shipping – Available at Tropical Traditions


Organic Hemp Hearts Raw Shelled Hemp Seed

A truly versatile plant, Hemp is used in a variety of products, from clothing to food.  It contains a high percentage of edible oils and fatty acids.
Enjoy them raw, ground in a powder, sprinkle into your favorite cereal or shake or use in baking.

Organic Hemp Hearts Raw Shelled Hemp Seed (12 oz) by Manitoba Harvest – $15.89, 5.59 shipping – Available at Amazon.com

(1 reviews)


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  1. Well, who knew? When we gut our pumpkin next month, I will pull out the seeds and roast them up. Actually, my husband will because I don’t like all that goo. LOL.

  2. I have never actually eaten pumpkin seeds. I know that sounds crazy, especially considering how big a deal they are this time of year. But I cannot get over the oohey gooey grossness of the pumpkin slime when we carve it out. I will have to try them this year… I don’t think I will be roasting them myself though.

    1. Have someone pull them out and put them in a colander. Run hot water over them until the slime goes down the drain. The leftover pumpkin wont be slimy. Then you can detach them from the pumpkin without the gooey issue.

  3. Thanks for all the great options I will have to try Chia and Hemp seeds. I love Pumpkin seeds they make a great snack.

  4. I didn’t know about chia or hemp. I absolutely love pumpkin but normally wait to have those until the kids tear them out of the pumpkins. I have seen many chia seeds inside drinks. Still uncertain about these but I may look up a few recipes.

  5. I love Chia seeds, I’ve never tried hemp hearts before, adding it to my grocery list, thanks for sharing!

    1. I just had chia for the first time over the summer. I let them soak up some almond milk and they end up like a pudding. I mix it with my smoothie. So good.

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