
Imposter for Hire by Sandra Levy Ceren

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Because this is book three in the Dr. Cory Cohen mystery series, I feel I missed the beginning of a great but awkward relationship with Ben Fortuna. Besides that, this book does a good job of standing on its own. The story is fresh and doesn’t involve a lot of flashbacks causing the reader to get lost if they haven’t picked up the previous two novels.

Imposter for Hire: A Dr. Cory Cohen Mystery
Psychologist Dr. Corey Cohen teamed up with private investigator (and love interest) Ben Fortuna. This secret case has them helping a young mother who suffers from anorexia and her missing Iranian husband. The book has many twists and turns as the due work through kidnapping, murder, disasters, and greed to save Allison, her husband, and their children.
While there wasn’t much about this novel that pertained to my own life other than battling an eating disorder, I found the author fascinating. I found her fascinating because she is a mirror image of the main character. Sandra Ceren is a clinical psychologist, just like Cory. As I read the novel, I wondered if Dr. Ceren was living out her adventures through Cory. I always think of this about the author when there is a book or a character I really like.
The book was an easy, quick read. I felt she did a wonderful job of building the characters and giving the reader enough information to form a bond. Often, series writers get too bogged down with facts from previous novels in the series, which takes away from the overall content of the current novel. Ceren did a brilliant job of giving you peeks without taking away from the action.
I found Imposter for Hire to be a real page turned and I really enjoyed the quirkiness of Dr. Cory Cohen. I love mysteries where you spend time sorting it all out in your head, only to find out you were wrong! In my eyes, a great mystery will always prove me wrong because if I can figure it out, then it’s just too cliche and predictable. I can’t wait to read more because I am dying to know what becomes of her and Ben!
Book Description  :
Psychologist Dr. Cory Cohen teams up again with private investigator Ben Fortuna. This time they’re on a case involving an anorexic young mother and her Iranian husband, a prominent petroleum engineer. His method to reinvigorate abandoned oil wells is sought by a desperate oil company executive willing to do anything, including kidnapping and murder, to claim ownership of the method. Cory and the detective tread a treacherous path strewn with terrorists determined to cause international disasters and a man propelled by greed and ambition.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free as part of a blogger review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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