
Finding Me by Kathryn Cushman

Finding Me | Self Employed Writer

What can I say about “Finding Me” by Kathryn Cushman? Let me just say, this book landed on my doorstep at the precise moment I needed in most. Lately, I find myself in limbo about some things in my life. It is hard to figure out what direction to take sometimes.

This is one of those books that you want to read all in one night, but can’t because you are getting so tired your eyes go cross. I have a lot on my plate so I found myself carrying this book from room to room in order to read a page or three whenever I had a second to do so just so I can get to more of the story.

We are introduced to Kelli Huddleston who just lost both her father and step-mother in a car crash. All her life Kelli was told by her father that her mother and siblings were killed in a terrible house fire.

That is, until Kelli walks into the office she was never allowed to enter and found a stack of papers and envelopes. In those envelopes contained the truth to Kelli’s life.

The rest of the novel follows Kelli’s journey to seek out the truth for herself and all of the events that follow.

It’s heartbreaking and inspiring all at the same time.

I know that I have a half brother and sister who have no idea that I exist because my biological father refuses to tell his family about me. Even though I did not know about him until I was in my 20s, or that I haven’t had contact with him in over 10 years, I still want to know about my siblings and think about them every day. This book has certainly given me something to think about.

Disclosure: I received Finding Me for free in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to post a positive view, but these are my 100% honest opinions.

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