YUM is Iced and Without Power!

As winter weather would have it here in Michigan we were faced with not only a snow storm but an ice storm as well. The one week I allow myself to get behind and not schedule posts in advance. It also happens without fail, the day I am lazy and do not take a shower – the next day we lose power.
The husband and I were up wrapping presents Saturday night when it started to get bad again. During my years in Oklahoma I had gotten used to ice pellets hitting the window. More often than not we saw ice, not snow. I knew it was a bad sign. Sunday morning we were going to wake up to a nice frozen Tundra instead of pretty sparkly snow.
The husband had to work his weekend shift at the hospital which meant getting up early and being one of the first on the road. He was not thrilled.
We finished wrapping close to 11pm. I should have showered when we were done. That didn’t happen. I went to bed and woke Sunday morning just after 6:30am to husband pulling out of the driveway and the entire house powering down.
Oh great.
I called my mom who lives in a much smaller town. Hers was just coming on. I decided to try to wait it out. Around noon the power came on. It lasted about 5 minutes and went back out again. Then on. Off. On. Off. And it never came on again. I waited and waited.
I used my phone which had the only means to access the Internet and checked Consumers Energy website. No updates. Facebook updates had the Emergency Response teams for local cities discussing how many towns and customers who were without power. Twitter had the same thing.
Later in the day my phone started to die. I had to break my way through the ice to get into my car to use the charger to charge the phone. To kill time I did donuts in my yard. Hey, what are you supposed to do when you have 2 acres? I was bored.
Consumers then updated their site and for my area it’s looking like power might be on by Christmas Eve. Others in my state are looking at next week. I continue to watch the Facebook and Twitter updates and see there are 1000 of workers coming in from surrounding states to help. All stores are sold out of generators, so neighboring states are shipping in to help. Our state is a national disaster.
Oh, ice storm. Thanks for making me feel like I am back in Oklahoma. It’s good to be home.

So, this morning I packed a bag, the laptop, and the poochies and drove to my moms. I only went off the road once. Oh, country living. It’s great, but the Internet is reaaallllly slow.
On a positive note when I got here I received and email from The Recipe Redux girls that I am now a part of their team. THIS news brings me much excitement. Lot’s a good things happening to YUM in the new year.
As for this week, it being Christmas and all…my spirits are pretty dim. There is a lot of work to do and this has put us behind. Hopefully the power will come back on and we’ll be able to catch up.
To all of you, from all of …well…me ..have a Merry Christmas and stay warm!