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Saying Good-Bye to Place Place Restaurant


Insert me crying here.

Y’all. The time has come. It really breaks my heart.

Kiddo is all grown up and no longer wants to play with her food. 

For those who have been around since the early days of YUM you might remember Play Place Restaurant. This eating establishment was born in a small bedroom and later relocated to a larger venue in the basement. It was here the yum famous char broiled steak and eggs breakfast was born.

It was here the menu changed at a moments notice and if you dropped the food, a 10 second rule applied. It was the first establishment where all pets were welcome, shoes and shirts were not required and sometimes you ate in the dark.

Over the years we watched the kitchen grow and the menu offerings well exceeded a chefs wildest dreams.

It brings me great sadness to know that after a few years of service, the establishment has closed its doors and its world-renowned 10 year-old chef has moved on to an even bigger establishment, the YUM eating kitchen.

I am not sure if I should cry more that kiddo has grown so much or be thrilled that she now has more responsibilities in the *new* kitchen.

Either way, we said our goodbye’s to Play Place and we send our good wishes to the new owner.

We currently have the goods for sale on Craigslist. If you are in the Michigan area and are interested in starting your own Play Place Restaurant for a fraction of the cost, please let us know.

What’s something in your children’s life you’ve had to say good-bye to recently?

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  1. It’s sad when they grow up, isn’t it? We got rid of our kitchen set a year or two ago and donated it to my boys preschool because I knew they would put it to good use .

    1. I was going to do that. But, she really wanted some new Monster High stuff so I told her some of her old stuff had to go and she could use that money to buy what she wanted. This is what she picked. We did sell a few parts in the garage sale. I figured I’d let her see if she could sell it first before I went and donated it.

  2. My kids are still young enough that everything is totally awesome when they do it with Mom. I am not looking forward to when they start to become their own little people totally independent of me. =(

  3. I remember when we got rid of our play kitchen and fake food after three kids. I was super emotional but am realizing every new stage is fun in its own way.

  4. It’s always sad when a local, family-owned establishment you’ve been going to for years suddenly has to shut its doors for good. Hopefully you discover a new one to take its place!

  5. I remember my four all loving to pretend cook. My youngest was so into it, he was the chef, the waiter, the hose, the cashier, lolol Fun times. 🙂

  6. Awe, it’s sad, but you bet in the future, she’s going to look back and love those memories with that toy set. Heck, I STILL pine relentlessly for one of those original Polly Pocket sets, with the tiny people and their itty bitty homes inside seashell lockets. I had a ton as a kid, my mom sold them when i got bored of them and now I would give anything to have just one back. :/

  7. My Daughter is getting ready for her first year away at college. We have been going threw and donating all her old things.

  8. I know they grow up so fast :'( that is why I try to enjoy every second with my little girl, I try to donate everything she doesn’t use no more. Thanks for the great post! 🙂

  9. Kids grow so fast! The new kitchen looks fantastic! My girls are still into restaurant and kitchen stuff. I would dread the day when they finally close it down just like what your daughter did.

  10. I hate how fast they are growing up! I think I might hold on to the toys longer than my son for sentimental purposes. I will say that as they do grow up they can have their own kitchen to cook real food! So I guess there is a bright side.

  11. Ohhh wow I wish I was closer! I know my 9 year old would be so thrilled to have all of that stuff and play kitchen pretty much constantly. She’d make menu’s and everything I’m sure!
    It’s sad and amazing at the same time how fast kiddos grow up on us though, huh?

  12. Oh no, it’s so sad to hear that place is closing. And I loved to hear that pets were allowed in there – it’s something my husband and I always look out for, since we bring our pup everywhere

  13. I feel your pain!! It is so hard to watch our kids grow up and let go of the little things we thing are so important like play restaurants!! Remember the good times and think of how happy it will make some other little kid!

  14. Kids grow up so fast! It seems like only a few years ago that my daughter was having the time of her life with her Barbie dolls and tea sets. Now, she’s all grown! It was not difficult for her to part with her toys because she had younger cousins to give her toys to.

  15. No kids, but I was a former Special Ed teacher and I would see how quickly students left one hobby for another and broadened their interests, I guess from a teacher’s perspective I am happy to see them expand their interests and horizons, but I can imagine how those changes would be very nostalgic for the parent!

  16. It can be bittersweet when children outgrow something they played with for years. I almost teared up reading this. Hope the Play Place restaurant finds a new home.

  17. I can totally relate. We’ve just donated a lot of my son’s things over the weekend because he had outgrown them. On the other hand, knowing that somebody will make use of it makes me feel good inside. 🙂

  18. Oh that is bittersweet, isn’t it? I know it broke my heart when my oldest stopped wanting to play doctor. Why do they have to grow?

  19. My husband never understands why I start tearing up over getting rid of things like this. It’s such a big milestone when they give up things they loved so much when they were little!

  20. I remember how much fun my kids had with their play kitchen. They loved making food for us. It sparked a love for cooking in my Daughter.

  21. Ahhhhhhh my daughter is only 3 and I’m already starting to see her shift in what she likes to do. I will probably cry when her kitchen set goes because that is seriously one of my favorite toys she has lol

  22. It’s always tough (and a bit emotional) when the kids grow out of one phase and into another. I still remember when my youngest no longer wanted to play with his playdough set. He loved it one day, the next he was done.

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