Nevermore Lane Liquid Chalk Marker Art
Lately I find myself wanting to get back to the things which made my life full of creativity. These last few years I have been trying so hard to ‘make it’ as a writer that I have abandoned all other creative outlets. This was due to the lack of time, but I see now that in the long run it was a mistake. These other outlets are what fuel my writing. Without them my writing because dry only to shrivel up and disappear in the wind never to be seen again.
For example, I received a knitting machine for Christmas a few years ago. The idea was that it would help me knit despite my arthritis. I can make scarves, blankets, purses and even sweaters. I tried knitting and it hurt my hands so bad I cried for days. I completed my hat and never got back to it. Well, that knitter has been hanging around and I believe I have used it once. For some reason the yarn got tangled and kept falling out of the loops so I just gave up.
Two years ago I received a brand new sewing machine. It literally sat in the box in the basement for a year. I have my mothers machine but the arm attachment is missing. It works, but I only have this small space to sew. It was annoying. Well, I was still sharing the office with hubs at the time and the sewing machine was supposed to get set up downstairs so I had my own space. That never happened. He’s now in the man cave in the barn. The sewing machine has been out of the box for a while and I’ve used it a few times. Problem here is just making the time to do it.
I have a ton of arts and crafts supplies. Again, I have good intentions. I buy things for my Smash books that we create when we take road trips. I buy washi and other things to embellish my planners and various journals. Quite a bit of it is sitting around collecting dust.
Two years ago I set out to make a plastic canvas Ken’s bedroom for kiddo for Christmas. It never happened. I would write all day at the computer and when it came time to relax in front of the television, the last thing I wanted to do was bend my fingers more. I finally set out to work on that earlier this year. While my hands hurt so much, I am trying my best to get it done. Even though she doesn’t play with her Barbie’s much, she still plays (and loves) her Monster High dolls so I am sure we will still get use out of it.
I’ve been missing my art. I think about all of the pieces I have at my mother’s house and the ton of art supplies I have here at home. I think about how I was in art club and eventually made Art Club President my senior year in high school. I wonder what happened to that girl who was so full of light and creativity? And then I realize, she is still here, her flamed just burned out for a while. When we went to Northville and I purchased a piece of art, it really made me want to start a new candle and get that flame lit.
When Stardom Crafts asked me to review the liquid chalk markers I didn’t hesitate. When they arrived I did a little happy dance because they come from Northville, MI, our favorite fairy town!
I wasn’t sure what I was going to do at first, but it just sort of came to me. I started drawing a logo for Nevermore Lane. Then, I wanted something bright and cheerful. My poor fingers started to cramp and my arm (because I’m crooked) started to shake but I kept trying.

Kiddo was working on a letter to her Monster High pen pal friend and cheered me on through the process. She even gave me some good tips and pointers. 😉
The markers worked great on our old chalkboard. We used this chalkboard years ago when kiddo had her play restaurant down in the basement. It’s not in the best shape, but it worked.
Tink came over to check out what the fuss was about.
I drew a logo for Nevermore Lane. Added some feathers and then I decided to start on some grass.
From there I just sort of went – hey! fairies – summer – flowers!
I know it might be hard to tell, but this chalkboard is pretty big. In the Play Place post you can see the at the time, it was as tall as kiddo (almost, it was on a bit of a lean against the wall) I had to lean over it on the floor. It’s now being displayed on the old artists easel (which I see really needs repainted.)
We’ve decided we liked it so much that we are going to use it for our new YouTube videos and photo background.
The best thing that came from all of this is that kiddo and I have worked out something to where we are going to work on Nevermore Lane together. She asked me if she could start doing reviews on YouTube and I told her we could put her stuff on my channel. She was thrilled. I told her we could link the videos here and she’ll get a log in and she can write-up her reviews. She thought it was the coolest thing ever and didn’t even care that she’ll be monitored 100% by me. Personally, I feel this is a good thing for her. She might make some new friends, earn a bit of money, and it will help build her self-confidence along with helping her reading, comprehension and writing.
Who knew that something as art could spark a whole new website outlook ?!?!
[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#501a87″ size=”5″]Chalk Markers $24.99[/su_button]
Disclaimer: I received the Stardom Crafts liquid chalk markers for free in exchange for my honest review. I am not being compensated for this post. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are 100% my own.
I think liquid chalk is all kinds of awesome. I want to get some for my kids.
HOW have I not heard of liquid chalk?! That is so cool!
I’ve got to get some liquid chalk for the kids. They’d have a blast drawing with this stuff.
I love liquid chalk so much! This product would be awesome for my kids to doodle with!
Was looking for some of these for a birthday board for our little ones parties. These look so cool!
My kids always enjoy a good art project and would absolutely love chalk markers like these. They get their creativity from their dad since I can hardly manage to draw a stick figure.
What an awesome way to get artistic! Chalk colors have a unique look so I love that they have markers like this.
This sounds really neat. I need to get some for my son he is the artist in the family.
That is so neat. Really a great way to make something nice.
These are really neat! I must get some for the house, we love being creative and had not seen these yet!
Our kids are totally into art and they would be all over these! I’ll have to check these out for Christmas!
Liquid chalk markers are so cool! I like how bright and vibrant the colors are, and you don’t have to deal with chalk dust while you are creating!
Oh these are the coolest. We have a HUGE chalk board in our backyard, so this would be perfect. We are moving soon and I plan to bring it with us, so I’m going to get some of these! Way better than actual chalk.
I love liquid chalk. I use it all the time on craft projects I’m doing. It’s so much fun to use.
We have chalk markers, and they’re so fun. I could probably use a new set since ours are low.
OMG I wish these were around when I was growing up! Kids will have so much fun with this!
I love liquid chalk markers, so easy to work with! I’m currently on a Disney fixation in my crafts, lol.
I love liquid chalk. My daughter will draw all day if I let her.
Liquid chalk markers sound like a great way to make beautiful art. I know several people with arthritis so bad they cry when they try to do something crafty. I’ll recommend this post to them so they can learn from your lesson.
I love this!! I love sewing felt.. weird right? LOL But it’s so much fun! I use the bracelet thread so it’s big and chunky looking. Get your craft on friend! awaken the creative in you!
I’m glad you found a set that you loved! Our chalk marker set ended up not erasing well on our chalkboard. I’ll have to try these
I have not heard of liquid chalk but I’m sure a number of black board menus at restaurants I’ve admired must use them. What a fun project for both of you to do together! I think having a creative outlet is really important for most people to balance out life’s demands.
i need to get some of these for the boychld, he is obsessed with chalk. He would love these.