Murder Simply Brewed By Vannetta Chapman

I am not doing good when it comes to reading enjoyment. I was not happy with Critical Condition and now I am sad to say I wasn’t thrilled with Murder Simply Brewed either.

I LOVE Amish stories. I love reading about their simple ways and traditions. Most Amish writing authors have done extensive research and know just how the novels should be written. It is obvious Vannetta Chapman has done some homework. So, the Amish storytelling is not the real problem here.

The story starts off really fun and interesting. Two mystery solvers, one English and one Amish join together to solve the odd string of crimes that have been happening in the Amish Artisan Village. Clue’s don’t add up and people close to them are ending up dead.

The plot moves at a pretty rapid pace. You are given a glimpse in to the shops, especially the coffee shop, Simply Brewed. The story a simple one. And because of that is moves quickly but putters out around the middle of the book. Most of the time I will keep reading. Books like these can be a fun, relaxing read. But I found the pace to be so slow that I was wanting to just walk away from it.

One lesson learned here, you might find it to be a great read. I have to read a lot of books to review, I also love to read in general. I have a certain set of rules when it comes to reading and if those authors don’t fall within my rules than I have no choice but to walk away from the book.

I am sorry to say I had to do that here.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free  from the publisher as part of a review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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