
Tasty Tuesdays : Getting Your Grain On

I’m a little indecisive when it comes to grains. They’ve always been a part of my life, but it wasn’t until a few years ago when I really began to discover how important it was to pay attention to the quality of grains in which you are eating.

When I found out that after all these years the main source to all my problems in life was a result of the PCOS, I went extremely low carb.  I started the Atkins Induction (known as Phase I) and could not believe how wonderful I felt. I also had a lot of fun trying new recipes and substituting lettuce for bread, cucumbers for crackers and other vegetables to make noodles for a pasta replacement. I made ice cream, homemade candy, and so many other treasures. I even found ways to do away with pizza crust by using Portobello mushrooms, chicken and beef.  I did not go into Phase II. For those unfamiliar with Atkins, you DO get to add back good carbs like natural sugar fruits, whole grain pasta, beans and things like that. The point of the Atkins Phases (which I believe is now called the Atkins Ladder) is to find out your carb threshold. When you start to gain weight back, you know you are adding too many carbs. If you are adding a certain group back and you start to feel cruddy again, its a good possibility there is something in there causing you food intolerance. I am a huge advocate for Atkins. Especially the newer plan which advocates for healthy fats and its  not all about sitting around eating bacon. 

Atkins Induction let me to Keto. Because I was really trying to ward off my risk of cancer, battle the insulin resistance caused by PCOS, and get my body back on track, I felt staying in the Induction/Keto phase was best for me.

The only good thing that came of that was I became regular. Something I was never able to do unless I was on birth control. I had tried Metformin, it did nothing for me.  I worked with my doctor and dietician. My dietician wanted me to follow the carb counting diabetic technique. She also wanted me to stick to leaner, low-fat options when available. She went on to tell me if I needed help, South Beach was the best way for me to go. I became overwhelmed. In that time I read every low carb book I could get my hands on and started to read about grains, wheat, paleo and primal lifestyle, and food intolerance. I found a lot of comfort in Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels because she too suffers from PCOS.

Then I reached a point where I got sick of everything. There really can be too much of a good thing. So, I opted for fresh, whole foods and eat clean as possible.

It started well, until I had the food pushers around me start with their negativity.

Now, I am back to square one and left with a broken cycle and more pounds than when I started.

In my honest effort to try to get back on the healthier track to eating, kiddo and I started looking through some cookbooks that had clean foods we could all benefit from.

That’s when we landed on these fabulous breakfast bars.

fruit filled oat bars berry

I say breakfast, but you could enjoy them any time of the day! Perfect for snacking. The best part is that you can put any type of center filling in them you want.

These bars are my contribution to the Tasty Tuesday party!

Are you ready to link up and visit some of the tasty recipes from our fabulous party friends?


Tammy from Creative K Kids has expanded her party so that now this party is being run on three blogs!  This month, Chrystal from Yum Eating and Erlene from My Pinterventures are her co-hosts!

cohosts tasty tuesdays

We would love to have you link up to three of your old or new food posts!    Here are  just a few requests for this linky:

  • PLEASE follow the hosts and co-hosts of this party through one of their social media listed below.  They visit your post, leave a comment, and pin your post.  Just pick one (or more) of the options below  and  please follow them.

**Tammy at Creative K Kids (Blog)**
**Chrystal at  Yum Eating (Blog)**
**Erlene at My Pinterventures (Blog)**

  • Try to visit a couple of blogs and leave a comment or share their posts!
  • Please link up a food post you have never linked up at this party before.
  • Place this button or a link to this post somewhere on your site–either on the actual post or on your sidebar or on your party page.

Creative K  Kids

  • As a thank-you for linking up, we will pin your recipe to the Tasty Tuesdays at Creative K Kids Pinterest board.  You could follow the board to see all the great food recipes!  
  • By linking up, you agree to let any of the hosts or co-hosts  use your pictures and links if they decide to feature your post.   Your photo may also be used for promotion on any of their social media outlets.
  • If you include your e-mail in the linky form below you will be added to a weekly reminder e-mail when the link party goes live. Your e-mail will not to added to any other lists or given out.

 Thanks for linking up!  


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  1. There are a few people in my life who will say something and I will consider what they say about my life choices. The rest for the most part I have to work at letting go. I just find it ends up destroying any chance I have at success. Don’t doubt yourself. Find what works and adjust where you need. Don’t let others make you doubt.

    1. I need to stick to something. Right now I am convinced that I am going to shed the weight is if I really start a strict calorie controled diet. I’m dusting off all my diabetic magazine and the stuff the dietician gave me to really try and make a go of it.

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