T-Bone Steaks Are So Romantic
The other night the husband and I were out grocery shopping and I happened to eyeball the lobster on sale for $5. I should have known this was going to happen. It always does right before Christmas. All the fancy seafood and meats go on sale. I’ve never frozen a lobster so I wasn’t even going to attempt that. It has been awhile since the husband and I had a fancy dinner in so we decided it was due time for one. I prepared my fancy smancy $5 lobster and then I whipped up his favorite meal. T-bone steak.
I have a special way I make my steak. I don’t fry it in a pan. I don’t even cook it on the stove-top. I cook it in the oven. But, I don’t bake it. I use a cast iron skillet. I’ve made a few steaks like this here on YUM, the one that stands out the most is the Canadian Heat Steak. So far I have not made a T-Bone. Mostly because we are on a tight medical student grocery budget. T-Bones were on sale so we decided to splurge a little. I bought 2. One for dinner that night and another gain for Christmas dinner. The husband has to work on Christmas day and kiddo will be spending the day with her mom. Hopefully this will be something nice for him even though he has to work.
Anyway, its hands down his favorite meal next to my Ranch Roast which moved to the top of the list.
The wonderful thing about this steak is that most of the ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen and its super easy and actually pretty quick to make! The husband told me the first time I made this for him it changed his life. We hardly ever go out to eat. He is ok with that because now I can make him steak at home anytime he wants it. (Oh, great.)
If you do not have garlic infused olive oil you can use regular olive oil and add a few garlic cloves in the pan. Or just omit. No biggie.

Skillet T-Bone Steaks
- Cast iron skillet
- Garlic infused olive oil
- T-Bone steak
- 3 TBSP butter
- Lemon juice
- Worcestershire sauce
- Soy sauce
- Salt
- Pepper
- Onion powder
- Garlic powder
- Turn your oven on broil.
- Coat your cast iron skillet with the garlic infused olive oil.
- Lay your steak in the skillet and add the 3 TBSP of butter places it at various points on the steak.
- Splash the steak with lemon juice, soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce.
- Sprinkle with salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder to your tastes.
- Place skillet under broiler.
- You will need to stand at oven and watch steak to flip every 2-3 minutes until done to your tastes.
So what is your favorite – steak or lobster?