
I’m Naturally Defending Against My Muscle and Joint Pain

Migraines. Degenerative Disk Disease. Osteoarthritis. I know we have mentioned my ailments a few times here and there. Pharmaceutical meds don’t do anything for me. I have a weird body chemistry, I guess, but that is okay. I would rather not take any more meds than I have to.

I’ve been hearing quite a bit about Hemp CBD Oil, and as someone who loves all-natural products and uses a lot of oils in daily life, I thought it was time to give it a try.
Leaving labral tear surgery behind, hemp CBD oil can reduce inflammation and muscle and joint pain and improve your audience’s quality of life overall.
Recently, we have seen an increased amount of news coverage about people turning to Hemp CBD oil, like these high-quality CBD gummies, to naturally defend against muscle and joint pain. Whether consumers are treating bouts of arthritis, sore muscles from workouts, or simply looking for a natural option for their wellness needs, CBD oil is rapidly becoming their go-to for pain relief and recovery.
Research shows that hemp oil’s antioxidant content is ideal for removing toxins from the body that cause inflammation. Inflammation, “a silent killer,” can lead to muscle and joint pain and various other diseases and conditions. Using Hemp CBD Oil, like Receptra Naturals, is a great way to battle the complications of inflammation-causing toxins and potentially prevent their existence entirely.

I have been using Receptra Natural’s Prime Fresh Berry Hemp Oil for a while now. I place one full dropper under my tongue 2 times a day. Once in the morning when I get up and once in the evening when I go to bed. It’s been rainy and wet here, which causes a lot of stiffness and creaks in my hips. Despite the damp weather, I find that my stiffness isn’t quite so bad in the mornings. Getting out of bed seems to get a little easier with each passing day.

The other morning I had a terrible migraine break through. I took my drop of Hemp Oil and then used Receptra Targeted Topical.

Because I have nails, there was just no easy way to get it out (LOL), but once I did, I slathered it all over my neck. When I get a migraine, I often have a tightness in my neck muscles. My usual go-to is a headache remedy I made with essential oils and coconut oil. I used this instead, and I have to say, my migraine subsided enough within an hour that I could actually make it out of bed.

I’m also using the Receptra Body Butter on my cuticles. The change in weather wrecks them and I have to say, they are mighty fine these days!

If you are interested in trying any of these products, check out Receptra on the web.

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