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How Do You Return to Blogging After Taking a Hiatus


Photo by Suzy Hazelwood


How to ease back into blogging after a break: What to expect when returning to blogging following a hiatus.

Have you ever had to Google, –”How do you return to blogging after taking a hiatus?” Me either. Until recently, that is. I had taken blogging breaks before, as I have been in this blogosphere since 1995, when I started my first one. But not one quite as long as this one.  

If you’re a small business owner or entrepreneur, chances are you’ve taken a break from blogging at some point. Maybe you took some time off to focus on other aspects of your business, or maybe you just needed a break from the virtual world. Either way, it can be tough to ease back into blogging after a break.

When returning to blogging after a hiatus, there’s a lot to think about. What should you write about? How often should you post?

So, if you’re like me and you’re thinking of returning to blogging after a hiatus, there are a few things you should consider. 

First, why did you take a break from blogging in the first place? Was it due to burnout or a lack of time? If it was burnout, make sure you have a plan in place to prevent that from happening again. 

Perhaps you can hire a virtual assistant to help with some of the administrative tasks associated with running a blog. 

Second, it can be hard to ease back into blogging after taking a break. You may feel like you’ve lost your voice or have nothing to say. But don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal. Just take some time to catch up on what’s been going on in your niche. This will help you jump back into the conversation and give you something to write about. 

Why I Am Returning to Blogging After a Long Hiatus 

If you’re a business owner – like me! –  who use blogs as a way to connect with their audience, it’s natural to feel hesitant about returning to blogging after a break. You may be wondering if your blog will still be relevant or if you’ll be able to pick up where you left off.

When I started blogging over 20 years ago, it was not to make money. It was an outlet for me to share my silly tales and stories. I’ve had blogs on all sorts of topics – pets, weight loss & wellness, writing, working from home, and even a few tax and accounting sites. It wasn’t until I started the YUMeating brand that things began to turn around for me. 

But, in 2015, I left my now ex-husband and the voice I had for that brand. All the years of stories and recipes with him and kiddo – It was just a massive hit to my life and caused a lot of writer’s block. 

Right around this time, my biggest blog sponsor, Mode Media, filed for bankruptcy when they owed me a pretty sizeable chunk of money (along with thousands of other bloggers.) As if things could not get any worse, Detroit Examiner – who I had a healthy food channel – also closed. I took it as a sign that I needed to take a break from food writing

Nevermore Lane was never meant to be about food. When I first purchased the domain, it was to be a shop. Before the divorce, we had discussed my passion for one day having an apothecary-type shop with a little library section offering teas and coffees. Well, the apothecary-type shop happened many years later when I launched Beard Babe Love in 2017. When I sold YUMeating in 2021, all those posts came here to Nevermore Lane. 

So, here we are. I have tried multiple times over the years to find my voice, return to my love of writing, and share my silly tales. 

I am not here for the money. 

I will not be sharing fancy photos or trying to be a pretty influencer looking for that perfect photo op. I will not be tied to my phone or social media. Those days are over. 

I am just me. Simple girl, simple life. A little boring. But still full of words to share. 

How to Ease Back Into Blogging After a Break

Now that you know my deets, let’s talk about how to ease back into blogging after a break and what to expect after a lengthy hiatus. 

  1. Take some time to evaluate why you took a break from blogging in the first place. If you left blogging due to burnout, you want to make sure you take steps to avoid that in the future. Maybe it was because the voice and direction of your blog no longer suited or matched who you were. That is okay. Don’t feel like you have to pick up where you left off. It is okay to start fresh with new ideas and content. 
  2. Don’t try to do too much at once. Maybe you are like me and just went on a photo-taking recipe creation spree over the weekend. Your voice is back; you have stories to tell. It is best not to push yourself too much, or you will just burn right back out. Do a post here and there. Let your audience find you again. Take your time. There is no hurry here. Ease yourself in by writing a couple of posts per week instead of every day. Once you get back into the swing of things, you can gradually increase your input. 
  3. Be patient with yourself. Don’t expect to produce perfect content from the get-go. It will take some time to find your voice and rhythm again. 
  4. Get help from a virtual assistant. If you don’t have the time to blog regularly, consider hiring someone to help you out. A virtual assistant can handle everything from coming up with ideas to posting your content for you.

Do You Need an Extra Set of Hands?

I have no plans to turn Nevermore Lane into a business site. I plan to stick to telling my tales and sharing my creations. However, I wanted to take this chance to toot my own horn because I am pretty proud of myself for finally launching my virtual assistant business. 

As many of my past readers know, blogging (copywriting) was a great side hustle for me, but I also did a lot of social media marketing and helped a lot of blog owners with their bookkeeping (as well as other clients.) Eventually, the accounting business grew, and then Covid smashed it. I went to work at a marketing agency, but now I am heading back to the self-employment zone – where I am much happier to be.

I’m still offering my bookkeeping skills in addition to all of my virtual business assistant skills, like marketing management. So, check out Chrystal Mahan – Online Business Manager today, and let me know if you have any questions!

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  1. Wow! Happy to see you again! Sounds like a lot of what I’ve seen an heard with a lot of people, minus this sprout coming up. (Many are still in a kind of seed-stage.) So nice to hear a return for the sake of self. (Me too!)

    1. I was just going through some old cards and letters the other day and came across yours. I have been wondering how you have been doing! Going to have to drop you a line 🙂

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