
270 + Places to Make Money Blogging

270+ Places to Make Money Blogging | Nevermore Lane

When I first started blogging online in the late 90s (think GeoCities and Tripod) I never in a million years thought I would be blogging for money. While I did always feel my blogging would lead to some sort of writing gig, I never thought it would be for the actual blog. Over the years I have started (and stopped) many blogs. I have moved them to other homes and watched blogging turn into this huge phenomenon for people to stay at home and make a living. While old school blogging platforms still exist (Xanga) many are here to make money.

I love the old- school blogging experience. Pouring out your heart and soul, connecting with others on a personal level. I have a lot of friends I have met over the years through blogging. Some have been around since the beginning. And even though YUM is a for-profit blog, my blogging buddies have all cheered me on.

I know a lot of you out there are wondering how exactly one can make money from blogging. Well, I am glad you are curious about that. Without you I would have no need for this post and I would not have found a few opportunities for myself in the process. So, thank you. If you find this post useful PLEASE share it with your readers, followers, likers and pinners. Please and thank you.  Also, if you are really wondering if you can make an income blogging, you should check out the other bloggers who share their income.

NOTE: Ok. I really tried to get all these link in their appropriate categories, but the truth is, a lot of them overlap more than one. I’ve tried my best to provide an accurate description but I am not a member of all of these, so some of them are based on the information found on the website. If there are any inaccuracies or you feel they are in the wrong category, my apologizes. It’s a lot of information to sift though. At least I tried to categorize them instead of just making it one long list with descriptions.

One more thing before you get started : Yes, I made this list. It does not mean I am vouching for their legitimacy. So, if you find a problem with something, please don’t shoot the messenger. You are welcome to leave me comments or contact me through the comment form, but attacking me because you don’t like a certain company won’t be tolerated.

For all types of blogs:


With affiliates you are paid to promote someone else’s product. You’ll use their banners, buttons and/or drop their links in posts.

Share a Sale –  Share a Sale is an affiliate network. Once you join you have hundreds of thousands of businesses and products to choose from. For the most part, you earn money when someone clicks your links and make a purchase. There are a few companies that will pay bloggers a flat rate for writing sponsor posts. Share a Sale is quickly becoming my favorite affiliate network. There is a lot of communication with the companies, the dashboard is easy to navigate, and I’ve had zero problems my account. Share a Sale houses almost 4000 companies.

eBay Enterprise – This program is very new to me. I had tried many years ago to get into the eBay network when I was doing some freelance writing on HubPages and could not get accepted. You have to log in through Pepperjam Network website. In my short time there I have been contacted by a customer support agent who lets me know that certain companies are interested in working with me. I haven’t really had anyone contact me that I would feel comfortable promoting on Yum. The site seems fairly easy to  navigate and looks like a lot of great (small, independent) companies to affiliate with.

Groupon – There are a few different ways to get started with Groupon. You can sign up right on their site. You can also use Glitter Network as they often run Groupon ads. Groupon is also a part of the CJ network. For the most impact I suggest signing up via their own affiliate program. Folks tend to do really well with Groupon because folks love to shop through it. If you shop through Groupon, if you don’t want to sign up as an affiliate you can refer people to Groupon and get $1o credit for each person you refer.

Commission Junction – CJ has a large collection of affiliate. If you are a content heavy blog and have been blogging for a while they are in the process of building a premium publisher program. Personally, I have been with CJ since 2011 and I just have not had good luck with them.  I am constantly getting emails stating that because I have not had a sale I risk my account being shut down. That, sucks because I have a couple of companies that I do have buttons and such for. I wish I could really get the affiliate posts to work out for me, but, I’m just thinking the companies aren’t a good fit for YUM. I’ll keep trying because I know plenty of bloggers who use CJ and this is their best income maker.

Rakuten Marketing – (aka Linkshare) –  Here you will find Drugstore.com, Walmart, Petsmart, Barnes and Noble along with 600 more.

LinkConnector – Link Connector is another affiliate network warehouse. Once you sing up you have thousands of popular companies at your fingertips.

Coupons.com – Coupons allows you to place coupons on your website. You earn money for their use.  I signed up for Coupons.com through the Escalate Network. They have a neat tool and dashboard just for the coupons.com network.

Amazon Associates – Pretty much everyone I know has an Amazon account and with it, an Associates account. Because a large portion of internet users shop at Amazon, this one should make total sense. However, there are just as many bloggers out there who say that Amazon is one of the harder ones to really make money with because their commission is so low.

Impact Radius – This is a small network but they carry Forever 21, Lord & Taylor and NastyGal. So, depending on your niche, this might be an affiliate company worth checking out.

Flex Offers –  Flex Offers is the affiliate pit-stop for companies like Macy’s, Eastbay, Kohl’s, HP, Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, Dell and more. So, if you are looking to get partnered with some big name stores, here’s where you need to be.

Point Click Track –  I don’t know of too many bloggers who use this one. I found it while researching affiliate ‘houses’ and since they are home to VistaPrint and a few others, I thought it might be worth mentioning.

eJunkie – eJunkie is fairly popular between bloggers. Many use it to sell their own products which allows for a higher percentage of payout for affiliates compared to Amazon. Because of the higher payout, bloggers are more willing to promote. It’s a win-win for everyone. Popular blogs like Pinch of Yum utilize the eJunkie platform. There is a small fee for selling, but it is free for bloggers to join as an affiliate.

ClickBank – ClickBank is another popular affiliate site. You’ll find a ton of information out there about this company. No matter what niche you are in there is something there for you. What I like about Clickbank is that it allows bloggers to sell products (with a great payout) that perhaps they would like to create themselves but for whatever the reason they don’t.

JV Zoo




WebGains (UK)

Avant Link

Affiliate Wire – digital products

 Society of Shop – a new one I just signed up for!

MagicLinks – this is similar to Viglink but I seem to have a lot more luck with it lately. If you have places you can’t get on or you are not accepted due to being in a Nexus state, Magic Links is the answer for you. I absolutely love this place and can’t tell you how many Instagram and YouTube people use this for serious income! Read my review on MagicLinks!

Marketing Campaign and Offer Networks:

Escalate Network – Escalate Network is another (what I consider to be) an affiliate network even though I put it here in the offer networks. I feel its more like an ad network. A lot of people join networks like this because places like Commission Junction have requirements that if you don’t make a sale during a specific amount of time your account can be closed. Emails are sent out with new offers on a regular basis. You can write a post or use the provided ads. I know people who do really well with Escalate. I don’t use them often as they never really fit any of my websites until now. If you are able to get in to their Enfluencer program you can earn money for posts.

Glitter Network – Glitter is set up just like Escalate only without the coupons.com feature. A lot of these ads are for people to sign up for special offers. Your income is based on the set fees. This is another that I have seen certain niche blogs do very well with.

ShopHer Media (formerly MySavings Media) – If brands like Huggies, Enfamil, Prilosec and Aleve are something that fit your website than this is a network for you. Other companies include JustFab and Living Social.

Intergrate – A company that houses marking campaigns for brands like ThredUp, Zulily, Sony and more.

Centerpoint Media – Centerpoint Media houses such offers as Fabkids, popular magazines, big store sweepstakes and more.

CPA/DNA – Not a lot of experience or information about this company in my little blogging world but it showed up as the place to go for companies in need of an ad campaign. One of the companies who work with CPA is Savingsstar and some other paid survey companies.

Panthera Network – This offer site has SoundCloud and plenty of paid surveys to keep your readers entertained if surveys work in your niche.

LoudSale Media – offer coupons and deals in exchange for high CPM revenue.

Paid to Post:

Get Blogged – Primarily UK based, they do offer some USA opportunities as well. Paid to write content on your site.

Madison Reed – Madison Reed is a hair color company. You sign up through Share a Sale. Once accepted you will receive an email. Reply to this email letting them know you are interesting in doing a review of the product. They will send you a code for a free product and pay you for your honest review. I was even able to get another review op a few weeks later as an update. I love this product and had no problems blabbing about my experience with it.

Reebok – We all love Reebok, right? I live in sneakers. I love walking and I love my treadmill. Once you sign up for the Reebok program through Share A Sale and are accepted they will send you a code to get a pair of Reeboks for a fraction of the cost. While accepted, I haven’t ordered my shoes yet. But, I have heard from other bloggers that they do pay you for posting a review.

eSalon – eSalon will often send out emails to their affiliates for promotion and payment. Upon signing up as an affiliate if you email the campaign manager they will set you up with a sample, payment for post and a giveaway. This is through the Share a Sale Network.

Ideal Shape – Ideal Shape is through the Share a Sale Network. When you sign up to be an affiliate they will work with you to do a sponsor post for payment along with a product giveaway. They’ll even send samples to facilitate your review.

Gazelle – this is another one who will pay for posts after you sign up through Share a Sale. Trade in your used electronics and/or shop for new.

Tea Collection – Tea Collection is a kids clothing site. They are pretty adorable, but they don’t fit any of my websites. I have been offered compensation for reviews and to be a part of their affiliate program. So perhaps some of you would benefit from this program. you can sign up for Tea Collection through ShareASale.

Cricut – I have only been with Cricut for a few months. They seem to go in spurts with their paid post offers. They are also an affiliate so you can earn that way as well.  You will sign up through ShareASale.

PostPresso – I put PostPresso here because you must write a post in order to get paid. They have a lot of posts already written for you. Pay comes from the affiliate links within your articles and clicks.  Once you log into your dashboard you will see plenty of content already started for you. Pick from one of theirs or start your own. It should be noted that this is best for those who are short on time and don’t want to hunt for the links on affiliates yourself.  I like having prewritten articles for when I need something in a pinch. If I had the time I would seek out the products myself and write the article so I don’t have to share revenue in this  manner. Just do what works for you.

Social Spark – Social Spark is part of the Izea network. Once your signed up, you’ll enter your website details and wait for leads and offers to come to you. You can accept or deny. You’ll get points, which are converted to cash.

Blogsvertise – Blogsvertise is a company I have been with for many years. I used it on some of my older sites. They now offer paid to post and money for display ads.

AllBlogTools – All Blog Tools will pay you revenue for your posts. You’ll be posting on their website, not yours. You will get a backlink/bio.

Examiner – Writing for Examiner is actually pretty fun and something I enjoy. Sadly, after  writing for them for 8 years, in 2016 they shut down, removed writers content and now only work through the AXS Entertainment Network.


Blog Distributor 

Sponsored Reviews – Get paid to write honest reviews about products and services.

Share Magnet – Get paid to share on your website, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more.

Advertise with Bloggers

Gig Coin – here you can apply for small gigs like writing or promoting a product.

LinkFrom Blog

Sponsored Tweets – Get paid for tweeting. This is an Izea owned company.

Sponsor Networks: 

Sponsor networks are businesses which will give you a product for review. Some pay for the post and some consider the free product compensation for your review. If you are confused about whether you should be claiming products on your taxes, you should be. I have a simple solution for that.

Most of this list is paid. I tried to post those who do not pay in ‘other’ since there are many bloggers who do not want ‘free’ products even though technically, the value of those products are considered taxable income and therefore your compensation for your review.

ENfluencer  – ENfluencer is part of the Escalate Network. It is a merger with WomensForum.com. They provide opportunities from sponsors. I do believe these are paid sponsorship opportunities. At this time the website is not ready, but you can find out more information on the Escalate website.

BSM Media –  This is a sponsor post network for mom blogs. If you are interested in joining, fill out their contact form.

Burst Media –  Burst requires that bloggers have 25,000 page views per month to join their network. Once in, you can join campaigns from Ella, Disney and L’Oreal.

Linqia – Linqia is fairly popular in my blogging circle and it works a little different. You’ll get picked for a sponsor, they’ll give you a budget for the post and off you go. Sort of. It’s a little more detailed than what I am explaining, but not difficult. You are given a goal to reach for clicks and income, but if you don’t reach it you will still get paid for the clicks you did get.

Sverve – Sverve is another network that runs a little different. Instead of a set amount for a product or free product, write your post, then get paid for that post you sign up for campaigns, share your posts, earn influence and more. While I do know a handful of bloggers who do well with this site, most of the people I know make ‘extra money’ with this network. You can also get paid for tweeting, pinning, posting on Facebook and more.

Massive Sway – this network was created by the SITS Girls. They offer a variety of posts from top brand names. Massive Sway is for bloggers with high page views.

iSway – The SITS Girls partnered with Massive Sway to work together to provide a program for the smaller bloggers.

Clever Girls Collective – Clever Girls is one of the more popular sponsor networks. Your blog must have 10,000 or more page views a month in order to join this network. Here is a list of their guidelines. I know quite a few bloggers out there who do well with this network.

Pollinate Media – Pollinate is another fairly popular network. Your website must have 20,000 or more page views to be considered.

Social Fabric – I would say Social Fabric is one of the most popular sponsor networks today. Every blog I visit these days has that super cute SoFab badge! From what I can tell there are a lot of grocery and food based posts with detailed requirements. They pay well and they pay on time. We all know how important that is in the freelance / blogging world. To join your blog must have over 25,000 page views per month.

Blueprint Social – For creatives – DIY, Crafts, Recipes…..

Wolf at Best Buy – Best Buy’s blogger program pays in the form of Best Buy gift cards and/or free products depending on the opportunity.

Ignite Social Media – Ignite accepts bloggers, tweeters, pinners and Youtubers. There are a couple of bloggers who state that this company pays up to four figures for some clients. My guess is you need a pretty big following for them to consider you into their program.

Single Edition – Single Edition is a network for the lifestyle blogger.

TapInfluence – You’ll see a lot of these in bloggerland because they have their own comment form. Create a media kit based on your websites and the brands will find you. Once they decide they want to work with you and your site, you can then begin negotiations for your rates.

FitFluential – FitFluential is a network for health and wellness websites. When you sign up as an ambassador you will receive emails regarding sponsor ops, twitter parties and more.

Business 2 Blogger – This is another one I have been with for a while. You’ll sign up, check the job boards and apply. She also sends out emails. There is compensation and product for your reviews.

Double Duty Divas

Simply Sassy Media

Savings Blogger Network  – Affiliate, sponsor campaigns and more.

Village Green Network – For those who are/going green.


Canopi (please let me know if they do not provide compensation and I will move them to ‘other’)


Media Talent Agency

Be Blogalicious

Triberr – marketing campaigns

Social Media Chicks

Weave Made Media – I’ve been with Weave for a little while now and I have to say I just adore them. They really reach out and go out of their way to help promote their bloggers along with their sponsors. Weave was built for the smaller blogger, starting at with a 7,500 page view requirement.

Millennial Blogs – sponsor network for those born between 1978-1998 or those who fit within that generations frame of mind

Millennial Central – those born after 1980. I can’t tell if these are paid, so please let me know if they are not and I will move them to ‘other’

Made in Blog – Canada

Blog Meets Brand 


BloggaBase – A network which connects bloggers with brands for reviews and monetization of your blog.

Find Your Influence 

Markerly – must have 100,000 page views per month, but they also say they’ll consider you if you have an average of 10 comments per post.

Socialyte – for fashion bloggers

Style Coalition  

Ad Networks:

Ad networks are companies which you join and they will give you ads to place on your website. Some are per page view while others are per clicks.

Riot Ad Network 

Rivit Media – Rivit is the network for DIY bloggers.

AdSense – AdSense is one of the most well-known ad networks.  You are allowed to run 3 ads at a time, but with the different size and custom color options, the possibilities to match your website are endless.  AdSense is known to have the highest revenue potential. But with so many competitors, if you are not accepted you  have a lot of options that are just as good.

DoubleClick – DoubleClick is a program through Google to help you fill all of that empty ad space.

Sovrn (formerly Lijit, part of Federated Media) – I run these ads on my other websites but not on YUM eating. Since Sovrn is part of the Federated Media it is a conflict of interest. What I really like about Sovrn is the information given in their dashboard regarding your ads. Analytics is built right in and they make it really easy to understand.

Advertising.com – Advertising is much like AdSense but differ in the fact they want high month page views (300k) to let you join. The payout is generally lower than AdSense but higher than Lijit.

Chitika – I have had my Chitika account for quite some time but never used them. At one time someone mentioned years ago that we could not use them and AdSense together. Then I found Lijit so I didn’t end up using them. I have recently logged back into my account and found that this is not true. And, I am using these as in a test run for backfill.  Most ad companies do not have 100% fill rate. When they don’t have an ad to show your ad spot is blank. I’d rather not waste space. I hear that Chitika isn’t the highest in regards to pay, but for backfill it might be just what I am looking for.

Luminate – Luminate is very different from the other ad networks.  Luminate allows you to monetize pictures on your site with ads that pop up at the bottom of images. Think Pinterest photos with a small blurb on the bottom. See an example of Luminate in action here. I like these ads. They are not so – in your face.

Media.net – Media is a Bing/Yahoo ad network.  I signed up when it launched and they approved me for my pet blog I no longer used but did not approve me for the older/newer sites with no traffic. So, I never used them. I recently logged in and now see all of my websites are accepted. Either way, I would recommend these as a last resort. If you were not accepted into AdSense, these are a nice option. However, they are text only. No pretty photos. I do remember an announcement saying they were coming, but it seems like that was long ago and they still don’t have them. If you don’t mind text ads, then this is an alternative.


FameBit – If you have a YouTube channel associated with your blog, this is certainly something worth looking in to. You will need 1000 or more subscribers to join.

Izea Media 




Clicksor – Clicksor has ads and text links.




LinkVehicle – they do a little bit of everything here.

OutBrain – they also do a little bit of everything. Ads, links, articles, popups and more.


AdThrive – created just for bloggers. Looks like you must have over 100,000 page views for consideration.


YellowHammer – I’ve heard quite a few bloggers use this for backfill in their BlogHer and Mode Media ads.

Referral Banners – Referral Banners is advertising with a twist. You can share your banners (if you have them) with others. Or just earn with others sites. Fee for joining their program.

Technotari – bet you didn’t know they had an ad program 😉

Mad Ads Media

Project Wonderful

 Beacon Ads – for faith based sites.

Max Bounty

 SwitchAds – Switch ads is a company that works in conjunction with your current advertising by working alongside them to help maximize income.

Mediavine – You must have 30k PV to apply.

Sponsor and Ad Networks:

These networks are companies that I know will  pay you to put advertising on your website. Many of them also offer sponsorship opportunities once you are a part of their network.

The Rise and Fall of Mode Media (formerly Glam) – Mode Media will pay you for sponsor posts and social media share. Payment is also given for special sponsorship’s. They also require that you play their ads on your site and you’ll get paid for these as well. I am with Mode Media on their Foodie.com vertical on the YUM eating website. Mode Media does have an exclusive contract so you won’t be able to work with other sponsor/ad networks that are considered competition (includes BlogHer, Foodie Blog Roll, Federated Media, and more.)

BlogHer  is now part of the SheKnows Media – BlogHer is generally the sponsor network all bloggers aim for. But, it is not the only one out there, it just seems to be the most well-known. They have many different types of programs. Their syndication program allows for ads and sponsor post in exchange for payments. They also have a blogging program where you can send in a post for payment. Lastly, they have a social media program where you get paid to share sponsors goodies on your social media channels. Their application process is extremely rigorous. If you do not get in the first time, don’t give up. Continue improving your blog and apply again in 6 months. It is worth it though if you get in as they do tend to have some of the higher payouts. If you check my page “bloggers share income” you will see a lot of them are on the BlogHer network.

PopSugar – It is to my understanding that PopSugar has different verticals like Mode. I *think* they offer both ad revenue and payment for sponsored posts / reviews. PopSugar seeks bloggers in the fashion, food, beauty, fitness and mom blog world. They also look for YouTubers.

Say Media – To be considered for the Say Media network your blog must have over 100,000 page views for consideration.

Federated Media –  Federated Media is another ad network business for sites with a large number of page views. Although I am not sure what you consider large because a quick scan of some of their ‘living’ blogs show that there are sites with 10k page views. FM owns the popular Daily Buzz sites. I have seen several sources that Federated Media is an excellent network with good payouts. The bad thing is I hear they are difficult to join forces with and will post your page views across their network. If you are getting 10k PV, this might be a good place for your to partner with.

The Blogger Network  is now Monu Metric – They will accept bloggers having pageviews as low as 10k and a $99 start up fee. The gook thing about the new Monu Metric setup, the higher your pageviews, the less your joining fee is AND they have a ton of blog training (Build Your Blog Academy.) If you are blogger with high pageviews, there is no payment to get started. I’ve heard plenty of bloggers say this was the best investment and they were able to grow their blog and earn their payment back within months.

Link Networks:

Link networks will turn your links or text into pay-per-click links. Some will turn links into affiliate links. These do not seem to be as popular with ads because they often will turn a random word into a link when the reader  hovers over it giving that pop up experience. It can be a turn off. But then again, so can too many advertisements. Use your best judgement. There are folks who do well with some of these programs.

InfoLinks – Depending on you niche and blog design, InfoLinks might actually be a good fit for you. I know a lot of bloggers who use it and like the extra cash they earn. Me? Well, I used it on YUM for a few months and earned $15. I think it just got in the way of my recipe box and became too obtrusive. InfoLinks created little links that attach to key words. When you hover over the word a small ad pops out. You can also have an ad placed at the bottom of your post and they  now have reskins where your blog theme can be skinned with an ad for a higher payout.

Kontera – Kontera is another link network I have been with for quite some time and never really used. As you can see, it is easy to sign up for a lot of companies and then pick which ones suit you best. I signed up years ago when I was going to monetize my freelance site. I just never used them. Logging in to my account for an update and I see I was going to use them for HubPages back when they allowed that.  another major player in the in-content ad game.  Kontera works in a similar manner to InfoLinks.

Matomy SEO –  Matomy SEO works a little different. It is links, but you are much more in control as you sell the links to advertisers who match your blog niche. I hear the network is very large with text ads, in links and content marketing pages. I’ve just signed up for my account, so I’ll have to come back and give an update.

VigLink – VigLink does a little bit of text links and a little bit of affiliate. They have a program you can opt in to for turning your businesses like Amazon and Kmart into affiliate links. You install their code to your website after sign up and they’ll recognize keywords and automatically turn them into clickable links that make you money.  I have had my account for a very (very) long time. While I Blogger I did well with it. I have since put it on my WordPress sites. No matter what I do, I can’t get it to work for me there. Not sure if it because I am not really discussing brand names or what. But hey, it’s quite lucrative for many I know.



BrandCrumb – If your website is brandable or you have a product , this is useful for you. You can also sign up as a publisher.

Short.st – this is a link shortener (think Bitly) which provides you with revenue. They have a WP plugin.

Make Money Selling Ad Space:

Passion Fruit Ads – I’ve heard people do very well with Passion Fruit Ads.  30 day free trial. Monthly fee’s start at $3/ mo. which is pretty limited but their unlimited is a mere $9 a month. A lot of people would rather use these types of ads than affiliates ad banners and buttons. Totally worth the $89/ year if you’re ad spaces are selling like hotcakes.

Adproval – pays through the Amazon payment system so you will need an account to accept payments. It’s similar to PayPal.


BuySellAds – BSA is for larger sites who are expecting to sell over $1000 is ads per month.

Helpful Ad Tools:

WP125 – This is a free WordPress plugin that makes it easy to sell 125 X 125 button ads. It makes it appear neat and tidy on your site. You can use this while working on other programs or on your own.

OIO Publisher – This program is a $47 ad manager that will allow you to maximize your revenue, save you time and keep you in total control of your blogs ad space.

Just for foodie blogs: (not all of these are paid ops)

Kitchen Daily – I can’t really tell you a whole lot about Kitchen Daily other than they are a part of the AOL / Huffington Post Network. I have seen quite a few blogs with their badge and finally inquired about them for YUM eating. I was told that right now their program is invite only. So, it still might be worth your wild to email them and inquire so that they put your site on their radar.

Food Blogger Pro – Food Blogger Pro is a forum and informational site put together by Bjork and Lindsay from Pinch of Yum. While Lindsay handles PoY, FBP is Bjorks baby. I can’t say enough good stuff about this site. I have learned so much.

PlateFull – General Mills owned ad network.

Kitchen Play

My Magic Recipes – When I first signed up for My Magic Recipe it was new and awkward. You would sign up and get a series of videos that you had to go through before accessing the site. Problem was, I didn’t get half the videos. The site has a lot more function now and there are a lot of food bloggers doing well with it. This site allows you to share your recipe, earn revenue, and you get a profile which includes your website.

The Daily Meal – The Daily meal provides food bloggers with two programs. The first program is to place their hat on your blog. This will connect you and your readers to the Daily Meal recipe bank. Their second program is for their ad network which is similar to Glam/Mode and BlogHer. I was contacted a few months back to join their program. The program is still very new. If you are looking for a place to hang your hat and don’t mind some growing pains, this might be a good food network for you to start with. I am not seeing a place to apply on their site, so this may be invite only.

 Foodie Blogger Forum  – I do have my own forum. I let the domain expire because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with it. I still have quite a bit of information within its walls.

Gourmet Ads  – All food ads. I know there are a lot of food bloggers who get frustrated with some of their ad/sponsor networks because their ads really aren’t relevant to their readers 75% of the time. You must have 50,000 or more page views a month to be considered.

iGourmet – affiliate

Foodie Blog Roll – ad and sponsor network or just a place to connect with other food bloggers.

Kitchen Daily – ad and sponsor network

Martha’s Circle – ad and sponsor network through Martha Stewart. (It may be closed until a spot opens)

Swoop – Swoop is a small little ad that is placed in your recipe. You’ll need a plugin like Easy Recipe Plus to utilize it. You’ll earn revenue off those ads. They also have text links for those who are not food bloggers.

Latina Networks:(not all of these are paid, some just offer products for review as compensation)

Latina Bloggers Connect – Latina’s this one’s for you!

Latina Mom Bloggers – here’s another!

Stiletto Media

Latina Lifestyle Bloggers 

Ella Media

Alcance Media Group


African-American Networks:

Black Family Blogger

Social Influenz

Other cultures:

Muslim Mom Media Network

Pet Bloggers:

Blog Paws

Pets Blogroll – I do believe this is similar to the Foodie Blog Roll.  Looks like there is an ad / sponsor network to join.

Go Dogger – dog toy testing team

Mom Networks: (not all of these are paid, some just offer products for review as compensation)

Bookieboo –  Hanging around the Internet since 2007, Bookieboo is not a book review site 😉 it’s a place to connect moms with healthy brands. They do a lot of sponsored posts and tweets centered around healthy posts and tweets.

Mom Spark (this one is for dad bloggers too!)

Modern Mom – Sponsor posts for product reviews. Once you sign up they will send invitations via email. Brook Burke writes here as she is the co-CEO.

Mom Central – Mom Central will email you with offers. You apply and wait to hear back.

Mom Trends 

Mom it Forward 

Social Moms – while the site doesn’t look like it offers much, there are offers of sponsored campaigns.

The Motherhood

Green Moms Network

BSM Media

Moms Meet

Mom Bloggers Club Network

Mom Dot Media 

Tastemaker Mom

Mom Powered Media Due to the recent scam issue, I can no longer recommend MPM.

The Niche Parent

Mom Blog Society

Mommy Mindset

Global Influence




Mom’s Affiliate  (I’ve been told that this one has pain sponsors!)



Fresh Baby

Parent Tested, Parent Approved (this one pays!)

Other Opportunities

While these companies do not offer cash, they do offer plenty of other things like rewards that can be converted into PayPal cash, gift cards and free products. A lot of bloggers use these items to run giveaways on their websites. Reviews and giveaways translate into page views which translates into cash.

Remember – if you are receiving a ‘free’ product in exchange for your honest review the retail value of that product is considered compensation and is taxable income.

ProBlogger – job board with a list of blogging jobs. You are basically a ghostwriter for other sites. Some will allow you a byline. Since this isn’t paid to post on your own site, I did not put this in the P2P category.

Blogging Pro – another list of blog jobs.

DailyBuzz – part of the Federated Media Network You can earn revenue by creating content. This site is large with a huge following. It’s great to get your name out there and have a byline.

Women’s Forum – Another great site to write, earn, and get a byline.

The Mission List – “You have the power to change the world”

Chicken Soup for the Soul Blogger – A big fan of Chicken Soup for the Soul? Does your website host similar stories? Then this could be a great opportunity for you to network in the Chicken Soup world.

U.S. Family Guide – I originally had this network in the sponsor networks, however since becoming a member I see that none of the offers give compensation for reviews. So, I am placing it down here in ‘other.’ What I do like about this one is there are a variety of products and even travel opportunities.

GigaSavvy Bloggers Network

Healthy Green Network

Splash Creative Media

Bloggers Required – This is for UK bloggers but there are some opportunities for US bloggers. I have noticed from time to time some come through offering payment; but not many.

The Blogger Programme – brand network – UK

BlogHer Visionaries

Boom Box Network – those born between 1946-64

FabFitFun  – this is similar to FitFluencial, but I do not know if there are paid opportunities.

Blogger Network etail PR – fashion, accessory and beauty bloggers network to connect with brands.

Entertainment New Media Network – this is for those in the entertainment niche. I am a member through another website and my Examiner celebrity and television channels. I was told their were paid opportunities, but I haven’t seen any. However, they do have great opportunities for previews and other things.

Triton Digital – get paid for streaming music on your site.

Unruly – get paid for placing videos on your site.

PlayWire –  another way to get paid to host videos on your site.

iBlog Magazine – iBlog Magazine is fairly new to the scene. I learned about it a few months back and instantly signed up for a membership. With it I get all access to their website, print publication and digital downloads. The information is fresh and current; useful for all niches. You don’t have to sign up (but I highly recommend it) in order to participate through Share a Sale.

FameBit – If you have a blog with a matching YouTube channel or you are just a vlogger you can now earn even more money just for doing some great videos. You do have to have a fairly large following for consideration.

Loop88 – Get paid to pin to Pinterest.

Speakr – Get paid to share on Twitter.

Tomoson Tomoson now offers compensation for the posts, but the company in need of a review has to approve it. As I have learned, most wont. Most want to just give you a product as compensation for review.

BlogDash – Blog dash hosts clients like HP, Sands Resorts and Intel. While you won’t be compensated you could get some good products to review.

BzzzAgent  –  BuzzAgent has been around for quite some time. You’ll answer surveys which helps them determine if you are a good fit for their campaign. You’ll get free products in exchange for photos, blog reviews, and so on. Sometimes you’ll get MyPoints rewards.


Flyby Promotions – Get products to review and often you’ll host giveaways for the product. This is a Christian based company.

Color Society Blogger Network – beauty bloggers for Color Club Cosmetics

One2One Network – receive products for review (digital downloads of books, cds and more) they also do a lot of media promotions through Twitter. A fun network to be a part of.

Brand Backer – Top of the line beauty products. They have an option to earn compensation, but like Tomoson, it doesn’t seem like anyone wants to pay. So, you get a lot of great products for review. Some will sponsor a giveaway.

Influenster – Influenster was one of the first networks I joined when I decided to buckle down and grow my blogs. In the beginning I was getting boxes of goodies all the time. This year  though I don’t think I have been invited to a single campaign. Influenster is a numbers game. You sign up, plug-in your social media networks and hope the offers come in. I do know they went through some changes so I hope that means products will start coming back through because they really have a great program. You are not compensated but again, they do offer really great products.

Review Wire

Boon Blogger Program

True Science Street Team


Talented Talkers

House Party – If you enjoy entertaining this is a fun network to join. You’ll get great stuff to have a house party while you tweet, Instagram and share your fun.

Rubbermaid Buzz – if you are a fan of Rubbermaid products then this is a good opportunity for you. You’ll get products for review, participate in contests, host giveaways and more.

OXO Blogger Outreach – food bloggers / recipe creators

Hamilton Beach Ambassador Program

Daily’s Cocktails  – 21 and over



Purex Insiders

Costume Reviews

Home.com / ForRent.com


Carmex Blog Squad

Pear Tree Pearista


ecoStore USA Brand Ambassador

Firmoo (eyeglasses)


Blog PR Wire

She Speaks – SheSpeaks provides a platform for companies to connect with women to sample their products. I’ve been told paid sponsorship’s exist, but I have never seen any.

USA Love List / MITUSA Media Bloggers

The Brand Connection

Brand and Blogger Review Opportunities 

Blogging Edge

Social Sway – I do  not believe these are paid. I believe this is a free product in exchange for review network.

Book Look – (formerly BookSneeze) Sign up for Book Look’s blogger program and receive free books in exchange for review. I have been with this company for a couple of years now and they are great to work with.

Bethany House Blogger Review Program – books for review.

Tyndale Blog Network – books for review.

Litfuse – book reviews, book tours, Twitter parties, giveaways.

Pitch it To Me – From what I can tell this is a network to connect bloggers with companies.

SwagBucks – many bloggers use SwagBucks for searching and then at the end of the year or for a special event like their blogversary they cash in their points for gift cards. Those gift cards are used for giveaways. It is free to join and easy to accumulate points.

Blog Friendly PR

CrowdTap – CrowdTap is fairly new to me. I log in, complete some tasks, answer some questions and social share some information about products. There are some people who get free products; but that hasn’t been me. I have won a few Amazon gift cards. I was able to find out that they have a SocialStars program for those who use the site often. This might be wear those free products go. I hear some bloggers are paid for sponsor posts as well. I don’t use the site enough, so I can’t verify that.

ChatAbout – In some ways Chat About is similar to CrowdTap , but in many it differs. With ChatAbout you earn points for commenting on news type content as well as posting your own. It’s a great place to connect with others while sharing things that can lead readers back to your site. You can trade your rewards in for gift cards (Amazon) or cash out your points for PayPal cash.

Ebates – I have been a member of Ebates since 2000. It has served me very well. Ebates is a cash rebate program. Shop, earn money back. As bloggers we tend to do a lot of shopping, either for giveaways, projects or gifts. Here’s a good places to start.

MyPoints – read emails, shop, earn points. Redeem points for gift cards and rewards like PayPal cash.

FatWallet – Shop and earn cash back.

Personal Shopper at Shop Your Way – Sing up to be a personal shopper and share items from Kmart, Sears, Craftsman, Lands End, Kennmore and more. On your dashboard you can see the top earners. The top 5 right now are earning $42,000 – $87,000. A lot of them are bloggers!

MySoapBox – My Soap Box is another take survey-earn points site. You can earn gift cards which make great giveaway gifts.

Lot18 – This is a special favorite with food bloggers and wine lovers. Get $25 for each referral who makes a purchase. They’ll also get $10 in credits.

Graze – Grazed boxes are a favorite of mine. Yum yum for super cheap. When you sign up and share with your friends you can get $1 off your box. When 3 friends sign up you get a free box. You can also donate your rewards to their charity program.

Diamond Candle – Depending on your blog niche, you could promote these fabulous candles. I am a sucker for the candles which have a surprise inside. For each person you refer Diamond Candles will give you a $5 credit. Oh, and your friend will get $5 off their first purchase. Hmmmm sounds like I need to discover their candles. (Note, they are not an MLM companies like some of the candles out there.)

One Kings Lane – This is one of my favorite stores online. I find a lot of inspiration here even if I am not always buying. They also have an affiliate program. With their referral program, for each person you refer who makes a purchase ( $30 +) you will get $15 and your friend will get $15 for joining! Win!

Gilt – Fashion bloggers can benefit from this deal. You’ll earn $25 after your referral receives their first shipment.

ThredUp – ThredUp is a favorite of mine. It’s like brand name thrift shopping online. Their used to be a lot less designer brand names and a lot cheaper prices but overall it’s a great site. Share with your friends and you both get $10.

MyHabit – This is another great one for fashion, beauty or lifestyle bloggers. Refer your friends, they spend $50, earn $20 to spend. MyHabit also has an affiliate program through CJ.

LivingSocial – Living Social is set up much like Groupon. Make a purchase, have an account set up. Refer your friends they get $10 and you get $10 to spend on the site.  Also, if you make a purchase and share that on you social media you have a chance to get that item for free if 3 others sign up for the offer, too.

Ipsy – if you are a beauty blogger and would like to enjoy the monthly subscription it is only $10. I did a few reviews on my YouTube and other website. If you refer a friend you get special bonuses with your Ipsy bag.

Dropbox – Dropbox users can ear more storage space by sharing with friends. Users can get 500mb of space (up to 16GB) for each referral. As bloggers we need storage space!

Hulu Plus – If you are a Hulu Plus user you and your referral can get 2 weeks free of Hulu Plus. We ditched our cable years ago. I get all my freelance entertainment writing from Hulu , Netflix and Crackle.

Direct TV – if you are a DirectTV customer you can get $100 towards your bill. If you are an entertainment blogger who needs television channels/shows, this might be a good perk for you.

Verizon Wireless – Verizon will offer its customers a $25 Visa gift card when they refer a friend to the network. Sine most of us use our smartphones for blogging, this is a wonderful perk for being a customer.

Donations – here is a great article regarding the right way to set up donations on your website.

Earn Money Selling Your Own Products:

Etsy – I have an Etsy shop. It’s empty. I’ve been working on some projects and hope to have some up soon. If you are a crafter, creator, or artist of any kind, consider opening an Etsy shop. They make a great partner to your blog/website.

Instagram Sales – Check out one of my favorite blogging blogs TwelveSkip for more information on making Instargram sales.

Foap – Foap is a photography app you can get for your smartphone. Download, take photos and sell them. Everything sells from photos of your pet, your food, even your travels.

Direct Sales – Angie from The Work At Home Wife has a great website all about The Best Direct Sales Companies.

PLR – Private Label Rights. Selling article packets can add a significant amount of income in partnership with a website. It’s really easy to open a store through your WordPress site.

eBooks – Self publishing is awesome.  I add to my blog income with recipe books and tax guides.

Services – If you’ve got a service (think virtual assistant) you can make great money offering those skills – especially to other bloggers. You can also create a profile on places like oDesk and eLance. Your blog makes a great portfolio!

Now, what to do with that money?  Capital One will give new checking account owners $50 and savings account owners $25.

Disclosure –  A lot of time , effort and years worth of bookmarks went into the creation of this post. Majority of these links are affiliate links. That means if you sign up, I might make a few cents or earn some free credits/points. I really appreciate it, too.  🙂

If you have a favorite company that I do not have listed, please be sure to leave it in the comments. 


(or you could follow me along on social media for the release or even sign up through email!

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  1. Dang, you really did your research! I am signed up with a lot of these, but there are a whole bunch I am not, so I am going to get to work. Thanks for putting this all together.

  2. That is a great list. I also use MomsAffiliate. They have sponsored posts as well. There are a few on your list that I’ve never heard of, will be checking them out. Bookmarking your page.

  3. This is a HUGE list! I’ve had the same experience with CJ. I have had better luck recently, but I did have threats that they’d shut my account down. Crazy. And Amazon Affiliates is new to me, since they just allowed NC sellers.

  4. Wow is all I can say and thank you. This is beyond words incredible and will help so many including me! I can’t wait to go through every single one! Wow

  5. I do not make money off my blog (not sure where to start). I didn’t start my blog for that purpose, I just like to share my experiences and ideas. But I will definitely look into some of these opportunities. Thanks for all your hard work.

    1. I have a few blogs like that. I have been blogging for a long time. This particular one I decided to monetize early on. Food blogging is an expensive habit compared to my other websites!

  6. Thanks so much for getting all of these in one place. I’m familiar with most of them, but there are some that are new to me, too.

  7. Wow, what a list! There are quite a few companies I have never heard of on it, so I will be working my way through and applying as fast as I can!

  8. I had no idea there were so many out there. I am a member of a few and do not utilize them because it seems that the time involved is not worth the amount that is paid. I will have to check out a few that I had not heard of.

  9. Wow! What an amazing job you did Chrystal! You deserve a vacation after this one! I cannot imagine the amount of research and time that went into this post. I did pin it so that I can come back to it again and again. Thank you so much for all of your hard work.

  10. Wow! What a great resource you’ve provided. I work with several with Mode Media, Social Fabric, and The Motherhood being my top three faves! I’m bookmarking this to refer back to! Thanks!

  11. What a great list! Any chance you could add Society of Shop (http://www.societyofshop.com) to the Affiliate section? We support advertisers in the Commission Junction, Linkshare, and eBay Enterprise networks, and make it super-easy to add affiliate links and product showcases to a blog or on social.

  12. Ok I am going to have to spend some time going through all of these – I had no idea there was so many websites out there!

  13. Wow! So many interesting sites I had no idea about! We are using ShareASale, Sverve and Momaffilaites to make money. Have to check out the other sites you write about too!

  14. What a great resource list! I use some of these and love the ones I work with. I like building relationships with companies and working from there.

    1. You are very welcome! I know there are more out there. A lot of companies that use sites like Share A Sale offer bloggers bonus money for posting. I have no idea who they all are!

  15. There are a few places I am on all ready but I’m book marking this so I can come back and join some oft the others on this list. Thank you I love post that are about blogging and making money with a blog I’m still learning how to do it all.

  16. Wow, this is a HUGE list! I’m definitely pinning it to sit down and go through when I have more time. Thank you SO much for putting this post together and sharing it at Merry Monday. I’ll be featuring it at tomorrow’s party–6pm PST.

  17. Congratulations, Chrystal! Your 270+ Place To Make Money Blogging post was chosen as a Featured Post over at the Home Matters Linky Party #17! Thanks for sharing your amazing list. You really put a lot of hard work and research into this. #HomeMatters

    Life With Lorelai

  18. Mega Awesomeness! Thanks a bunch for sharing your list! I do not make $$ on my blog (w a few affiliates that I am in with). I definitely enjoyed reading this and will check out a bunch of the affiliates! Thanks again for taking time to put this list together! 🙂

  19. I am going to pin this also. I have tried a few of these but need to try a few more. I just need to get my UMV’s higher. Thank you for taking the time to gather all of these resources for this post.

  20. Wow, this is a really thorough list! Pinned it on my food blogging board so I would be able to find it later as well. Since I’m only a new blogger, I’m just starting out with adding a few things to my blog to at least try to earn the hosting money back. Your post is going to be very helpful for that 🙂

  21. This is so fantastic, I earned a little from being a Blog Clarity and Plan to eat affiliates but I hope to start monetizing more later in the year/start of 2016. Thanks for these fantastic resources. Pinned and hope you will share this and 2 other posts with my Small Victories Sunday Linkup!

  22. I just found you while doing a research on Google and I am speechless!

    Wow, this is an amazing resource 😉

    I knew a few blogger networks already but the great majority are new to me.

    Thank you for taking the time to prepare and share it.

    Btw, have you heard of Cooperatize and Webfluential? There’s also Brand Meets Blog that I have been using and great opportunities have been presented to me.

    Keep up the great work

    1. Thank you so much for vising. I am so glad you found it useful!
      I do know of Cooperatize and Webfluential as well as Blog Meets Brand. I am currently working on part 2 of this list which will include the ones you mentioned as well as many more!

    1. You are very welcome. I hope you were able to find something useful. I am in the process of putting together another one as there are so many other options and companies.

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