
How to Bounce Back From a Traumatic Tough Time


Trauma shows up uninvited, makes a mess, and doesn’t know when to leave. Whether it’s the aftermath of a bad breakup, a health scare, or just one of life’s curveballs, bouncing back can be tough, but you can do it.

1. Acknowledge What Happened

Let’s not pretend everything’s fine when your inner house is still a wreck. Acknowledging that you’ve gone through a tough time isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s the first step in taking back control. You don’t have to have a movie montage where you dramatically overcome all odds in a three-minute sequence, but you do need to admit that things have been tough. That’s true strength.

2. Talk to a Therapist

When life throws you a plot twist, sometimes you need a professional scriptwriter to help sort it out. That’s where therapy comes in. Think of the therapists at Modern Therapy Group as the ghostwriters for your recovery story—they help you make sense of the narrative, understand the characters, and sometimes, rewrite a happier ending. Therapy is a safe space to unpack your feelings without judgment and get expert guidance on healing.

3. Find Your Tribe

Surviving tough times is easier when you’ve got your squad. These are the folks who stick by you when your world is spinning—ready with a pint of ice cream, a box of tissues, or just some good old-fashioned distraction. Whether it’s friends, family, or a support group of people who’ve been through similar experiences, surround yourself with positivity and understanding.

Photo by Madison Inouye

4. Create a Self-Care Toolkit

Self-care isn’t just bubble baths and face masks—it’s crafting a personalized toolkit that helps bring you back to your center. This could include activities like yoga, meditation, journaling, or even kicking back with some trashy TV (hey, if it helps, it helps). Find what soothes your soul and make time for it, no excuses.

5. Set Small, Achievable Goals

Post-trauma life can feel like you’re learning to walk again. So, start with baby steps. Set small, achievable goals that build your confidence back up. Today, you might just take a walk around the block. Tomorrow, maybe you’ll tackle that pile of mail. Each little victory adds up to big progress.

6. Get Physical

Never underestimate the power of getting your body moving. Exercise releases endorphins (those feel-good hormones) and helps clear your mind. You don’t need to run a marathon—just moving a bit more can significantly boost your mood and energy levels. Dance like nobody’s watching or just walk briskly like someone’s lightly watching.

7. Embrace a Routine

After trauma, the world can feel unpredictably scary. A routine brings back some predictability. Having a structure to your day can provide comfort and a sense of normalcy, two things that often fly out the window after traumatic events.

8. Laugh, Even When It’s Hard

Laughter might seem like a distant memory, but it’s a powerful healing tool. Watch comedies, listen to funny podcasts, or hang out with that friend who always shares a ridiculous story. Laughter can lighten your emotional load and remind you that joy isn’t gone forever—it’s just been in hibernation.

Bouncing back from trauma is a journey, and it’s perfectly okay to stumble along the way, as long as you stay the course!

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