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Unlocking Weight Loss: My 30-Day Experience with Zepbound on 5mg

When I first heard about Zepbound, I was both hopeful and skeptical. As someone who has struggled with weight management for years, the idea of a medication that could make a difference was intriguing. After doing some research and consulting with my healthcare provider, I decided to give it a try. After two months on Zepbound, I want to share what I’ve learned from my journey.

Setting the Stage

For those unfamiliar with Zepbound, it’s a GLP-1 medication designed to assist with weight loss by affecting appetite and metabolism. Before starting, I was at a point where traditional methods weren’t cutting it. I had tried various diets and exercise routines with limited success and hoped Zepbound could offer a new approach. My goal was clear: I wanted to see if this medication could help me make significant progress toward a healthier weight.

My time with Zepbound 2.5mg came to a close, and my doctor decided I should move up to 5mg for 30 days. Once that was completed, we would then determine, based on how well I tolerated the medicine, whether I would stay, go down, go off, or move up to 7.5mg. I did fine on the 5mg GLP-1 medication, so now I will be starting 7.5mg and continue on that for the next two months. At that time, I will have an appointment with my Dr. for my quarterly check-in and see where we will go with it next. 

I am halfway through my final week of Zepbound 5mg, and here is what I noticed:

Nothing. Not a darn thing. It was not much different than the 2.5mg except for the very first shot; I noticed that I became really tired a few hours after the first shot. So, I called my Dr. earlier in the week to let her assistant know that I tolerated the medicine fine and that I would need her to go ahead and send the prescription over to my pharmacy for the 7.5mg, which I should be staying on for the next two months. 

Month One 2.5mg: The Initial Phase

The first month on Zepbound was a rollercoaster of emotions and physical changes. I quickly noticed my appetite was reduced, which was a positive change. It was a relief not to feel constantly hungry. My inflammation was coming down. And I did not have that food noise telling me I needed to eat. The food noise is a huge problem as it can trigger my eating disorder if I am not careful. I am thankful to have been in therapy for all the years I was so that I could learn how to distract myself when these voices get loud. Sometimes, it does not always work. I am a huge emotional eater, but I am happy to report it has all mellowed out. I honestly think this medicine works in combination with the mental health meds I am on. 

As I mentioned, I didn’t have any side effects that others seem to have, like extreme exhaustion, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, the inability to eat or drink, or throwing up. 

Month Two 5mg: Observations and Adjustments

As I entered the second month, I saw more noticeable changes. The weight loss was gradual but consistent, and I felt more energetic. I tweaked my exercise routine to complement the medication’s effects, incorporating more cardio to boost my results. This adjustment seemed to work well, and I felt more engaged in my fitness journey.

I focused on protein as my most important macro, followed by fiber. I need to keep as much muscle as possible while I go through this journey and build more. 

I want to get back into strength training and have the tools and resources to do it, but an admin of one of the Facebook groups I belong to had mentioned she had started with wall pilates, and now she’s a pilates girl going to classes. I tried the wall pilates using the video she had started her journey on. I’m not going to lie; that was hard – but I loved it. I can see why people like Pilates. I bought a Pilates bar and a deck of Pilates cards. One for the wall and one for the bar. I think this will be great for my strength and flexibility as I age, and I would like to continue doing it.  But I am going to have to suck it up and start picking up the weights again. 

I continued to stay in a calorie deficit. I tracked everything I ate and every move I made. I had some weeks where the scale didn’t move or didn’t move much, but in two months, I am down 14.4 of the perimenopausal pounds. 

Personally, I did not feel any different on 5mg than I did on 2.5mg. 

What I’ve Learned

Looking back over these two months, I’ve learned much about how my body responds to Zepbound. The medication can be effective, but it’s also crucial to approach it as part of a broader lifestyle change. The medication alone won’t do all the work; it’s essential to maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise.

My advice to anyone considering Zepbound is to be patient and keep an open line of communication with your healthcare provider. There will be adjustments along the way, and addressing any side effects or concerns as they arise is important.

Okay, so what I have learned in my two months on Zepbound:

  • People will have their opinions on these medications, and their opinions do not have to phase me.
  • No matter how often I tell someone I don’t want that or can’t eat it all, I refuse to let them make me feel guilty. I am trying to undo years of having a horrible relationship with food.
  • When I told those close to me they do not need to make or buy X amount of food because I cannot get through it fast enough, they did anyway – it is not my problem that money goes in the trash. (Which become my problem, but that is a financial topic for another day.)
  • I no longer have to be a part of the Clean Plate club.
  • My inflammation can be lowered with the help of a GLP-1.
  • My mental health can find some peace thanks to the help of a GLP-1.
  • My perimenopause hormones have found some balance thanks to the GLP-1.
  • My sleep has improved, and I know it’s from all the good from the GLP-1.
  • My insulin resistance due to PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is finally getting the help it needs with the help of GLP-1.

Reflecting on My Journey

So far, my experience with Zepbound has been positive. I am encouraged by my progress and am optimistic about continuing on this path. If you’re considering Zepbound or another weight loss medication, I encourage you to consult with your healthcare provider and carefully weigh the benefits and potential side effects.

Feel free to follow along as I continue this journey. If you have any questions or want to share your experiences, I’d love to hear from you. Together, we can navigate this path to better health.

Check out some of my other Zepbound-related posts:


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