Short Version:

Welcome to Nevermore Lane! We inspire each other through the home and all the magic it can bring. Drawing inspiration from the works of Edgar Allan Poe, we connect with the earth, moon, stars, and Universe to create beautiful and unique spaces. Here you will find recipes, home decor ideas, and eco-friendly tips to add some sparkle to your day-to-day life. Let’s co-create a world that is both inviting and magical! Join us today on Nevermore Lane for an inspiring journey of discovery.

Long Version:

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved to write. I entered short story creative writing and poetry contests for the first time in grade school. It was a habit I never broke.

I never took the professional writing path. Instead, I took the tax & accounting path, which was something else I was fairly good at.

I continued writing in my spare time.

In 1997 I started my eBay business. Sometimes part-time, sometimes full-time. It was around this time that I started to get into teas, herbs, essential oils, and a more natural healing process.

In 2000 I opened my first online writing account by sharing my opinion on anything and everything.

In 2007 I started freelance writing.

In 2009 I started Self Employed Writer.

In 2010 I had an idea. Go ahead and click the link. I’ll wait.

I have an Associate degree in Accounting. I hold an Accounting certification from a 2-year technical school. In 2008 I started working on my Bachelor’s degree and graduated in 2011 with my BA in General Studies with minors in Business and Accounting. I took a 6-week break and began my Master’s degree in the fall of 2011. I graduated with my Master’s of Business in June of 2013.

After I graduated from grad school in June 2013, I knew I had to make some life changes. I was losing interest in freelance writing for others. I felt as if I was working myself to death. I did a lot of soul-searching and a lot of brainstorming.

Steve Jobs once said, “ Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

I took that seriously.

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. ~ Confucius.

Words I have always known.

Over the years, I have followed these words. I tried to find ideas to make work. Made lists of hobbies—career dreams. Things I like to do.

During my soul-searching, I began to see a pattern.

Could it be?

All this time, it was right here in front of me! How could that be possible? Could it really be that easy???

So began the painstaking process of trying to find a marketable name and matching available domain.

I had a dream to open my own restaurant someday. Due to a chronic pain issue (migraines, osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease), that dream will never be a reality. Instead, I followed my other dream and hobby of writing (to get away from accounting).

And so, YUM eating began.

I’ve spent the last 25+ years working from home in some way, shape, or form.

I started to outgrow Self Employed Writer and eventually shut its doors. I was not quite sure where to go with it, and I needed a non-foodie site; Nevermore Lane was born. The idea was that at some point, I would open my own store again, whether online or off, and this seemed like the perfect idea to run with. The goal was to have my own apothecary / natural healing type store.
In time, the idea for a home lifestyle theme was born.
I continued to build Nevermore Lane.
In 2017 I started a Facebook group with some friends and have since started a business based on that; Beard Babe Love. Due to that business, the original business I had for Nevermore Lane has been inspired.
In 2019 I finally created my LLC and DBAs. Something I should have done a long time ago.
In 2020 I successfully sold the YUM eating brand.
Life took many turns these last few years, and Nevermore Lane is going through a new phase as well.
Stay tuned for that!

– Chrystal
Thrifts and Flips can be found:
Creative fun can be found on my Etsy shop.
And my small batch, handmade goods can be found on