
Traveling: What To Do During Long Layovers

Photo by Nice M Nshuti on Unsplash

Embrace the Adventure of Layovers

Long layovers can often feel like a frustrating waste of time, but what if you could transform those seemingly endless hours into memorable adventures? Instead of dreading the downtime, imagine turning it into an opportunity to explore, relax, and experience new things. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or someone who flies occasionally, making the most of your layovers can add a whole new dimension to your journeys.

Picture this: You’re stuck in an unfamiliar city for several hours due to a long layover. Rather than languishing in the airport, you venture out and explore. You discover a charming local café, stroll through a nearby park, or even visit a famous landmark. Suddenly, what was once a tiresome wait becomes an unexpected highlight of your trip. Changing your perspective and planning can transform layovers from tedious interruptions into exciting detours.

If you’re wondering how to make the most of your layovers, you’re in the right place. This guide will provide practical tips and creative ideas to turn your next layover into a rewarding experience. From planning activities to understanding airport amenities, we’ve got you covered. Embrace the adventure and make every minute of your journey count, even during those long layovers.

Explore the Airport

Unless you’re in a small regional airport, there’ll probably be plenty of stores, restaurants, and bars that you can explore. The best places to have layovers are airports that function as major international hubs since you’ll have plenty of space to explore. Even if it’s just your standard international airport, you can probably find some ways to keep yourself entertained for a little while — can you find the best thing in the store you can buy for under $2, for example?

Write Out Your Memories

If you’re on your way home from a traveling adventure, you can use your time at the airport to write out the memories of your trip. Those thoughts, impressions, and memories will be super fresh right now, which means it’s the perfect time to get out your pen and write them down. It’s one of those things that you’ll be grateful that you did many years down the line when you have an entire journal entry to look back on. We recommend doing this even if your flight is on time; just use your time on the flight to write instead. 

Play a Game

A two-hour delay can feel like a twelve-hour delay, or it can feel like 20 minutes. It all depends on what you’re doing during those two hours. If you’re staring at the clock, it’ll drag on and on and on. If you’re playing a fun game, the time will have passed before you know it. If you have a smartphone, you’ll have a whole host of games available. What about playing poker, for instance, or maybe blackjack? Or perhaps you could take a trip down memory lane by playing minesweeper or solitaire. If you’re planning on spending time playing games, then find a place to charge your phone while you do so — you’ll regret playing them if you lose all of your battery and have to complete the rest of your journey on hard mode!

Edit Your Photos

Have you taken a lot of photos while you’ve been traveling? Then this is a great opportunity to get them ready for your social media pages. There are some great photo editing apps that you can get for your phone that’ll allow you to quickly and easily make a few improvements. 

Should you take videos instead? If you have your laptop with you, you can start putting together your trip video. 

See If There’s a Spa

Airports — and flying — can be pretty tiring. It’s not uncommon to arrive at your eventual destination way more tired than when you set off. Those airports and planes just somehow find a way to bleed your energy. If you have a layover, then you’ll be at an even increased risk of feeling tired upon arrival. After all, it’s hard to feel relaxed when sitting on hard plastic chairs all day while you wait for your flight to depart.

Look to see if a spa is open to the public at your airport. Many do offer this service, and though it’s unlikely to be cheap, it can really provide the refresh you need to be back at your best. Another pro tip: wear the comfiest clothes once you get out of the spa. You’ll fall asleep as soon as you’re in your flight seat. 

Make a Plan For When You Land

Finally, you can always use your time at the airport to devise a plan for what you’ll do when you touch down. This is especially recommended if you visit a far-flung destination; how will you get to your hotel? Are there any essential words you should know in the local language? You can also use the time to put together an itinerary for what you’ll do during your time there. Do all the things you forgot to do before you began traveling!

Turning Layovers into Adventures

Long layovers don’t have to be a hassle; they can be an opportunity to add excitement and new experiences to your travel itinerary. By planning ahead and embracing the adventure, you can explore new places, relax in comfort, and make the most of your downtime. Next time you find yourself with a few extra hours between flights, remember these tips and turn your layover into a memorable part of your journey. Safe travels and happy exploring!

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