Irish You a Merry Christmas
Irish You a Merry Christmas! I wish you a Merry Christmas. You see what I did there? Bwwwaaaahhhaaaaa.
Irish You a Merry Christmas! I wish you a Merry Christmas. You see what I did there? Bwwwaaaahhhaaaaa.
I’m homesick. It gets worse with each passing year. When I left Oklahoma in 2007 I thought for sure I would be back. Maybe not to live, but at least to visit. Here we are 7 years later (going on 8) and I have not set foot on…
Edgar Allan Poe is one of my all-time favorite poets and writers. There’s something intriguing about this dark and mysterious man. Born in an era where mental health was such a deplorable illness that treatment meant years of brutal tortures called ‘treatments.’ Many wonder if Poe was of…
I love peanut butter. It’s a treat that stems all the way back to my childhood when my and my neighborhood friend would spend our summers creating the most off the wall food eats. At 9 we thought we were fancy smancy taking peanut butter and jelly and…
I’m still trying to figure out why I called these mean. Hmmmm… We’re really trying to get control over our food and cut calories where we can. I desperately need to bring my weight down so the hip and back pain can be managed. One of the things…