The Year that was 2014
New years is over. I’d love to be able to tell you that Mr. Yum and I went out and we rocked out all night long. But, that didn’t happen. He worked a 12 hour shift and gets home late. So, we headed to the local eatery….
New years is over. I’d love to be able to tell you that Mr. Yum and I went out and we rocked out all night long. But, that didn’t happen. He worked a 12 hour shift and gets home late. So, we headed to the local eatery….
Books hold more than just stories—they carry memories, knowledge, and a sense of comfort. But when mold and mildew invade their pages, they become fragile relics at risk of being lost forever. That musty smell, the telltale spots on the covers, and the delicate pages that seem to…
The new year is almost here. A time when many folk start losing for weight loss inspiration and recipes. I’m trying to kick thing in to gear before the new year. It’s been a rough year for me so I am trying really hard to get back on…
This is a follow-up post to my face of real depression. It was a cry out for help. At the time of that video I felt so down and out. While I wasn’t suicidal, I had reached a point in my depression where if I did not wake…
Last year I did a post about all the great foodie gifts I received for Christmas. I thought it would be fun to repeat the process again this year. It’s always fun when bloggers post a roundup of their Christmas gifts. I enjoy seeing what others get; especially…